World Traveler Sandbag Workout 16 min


posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

This new sandbag workout has a great exercise challenge with a combo of sandbag exercises fused together. Sandbag squats, jumping and burpees come together and the routine gives just enough break from each part to make it fun and flow well. This 3 minute rep challenge is done before and after  a 10 minute set of sandbag HIIT intervals filled with some great sandbag leg and abs exercises. 

I love exercise combos and interval training mostly because they keep your mind so entertained thinking of what you are supposed to do next that you don’t have time to think of what you are doing now. Thus, making the workout easier!  I am all about making it easier, as long as the work still gets done. To me, that’s just bonus!

To get your sandbag and timer, if you don’t have them, check my Resource page. Links to online timers here.

Now, grab your sandbag and timer and follow me!


World Traveler Sandbag Workout

Workout Breakdown

This workout has 3 parts.

Parts 1 and 3 –  3 minute amrap
Do as many rounds as possible of:

World Travel Sandbag Exercise Combo

Part 2 – 10 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following exercises twice:

Sandbag Clean and Press Burpee with Lateral Lunges (r & l)
Around the World Squats
Reverse Lunge with Sandbag Press
Plank Walk Down
Sandbag Get Ups with Clean and Press
Sandbag Leg Raise


Sandbag Workout on Video


My Reps

Parts 1 and 3 – I did 5 reps in each part.

Part 2
Sandbag Clean and Press Burpee with Lateral Lunges – 3, 3
Around the World Squats – 11, 11
Reverse Lunge with Sandbag Press – 15, 15
Plank Walk Down – 8, 10
Sandbag Get Ups with Clean and Press – 5, 5
Sandbag Leg Raise – 13, 12


Exercise Descriptions

World Travel Sandbag Exercise Combo

Sandbag Clean and Press Burpee with Lateral Lunges (r & l)

Around the World Sandbag Squats

Reverse Lunge with Sandbag Press

Plank Walk Down

Sandbag Get Ups with Clean and Press

Sandbag Leg Lift and Butt Lift


Have a great workout!

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