Why a Green Cleanse?

Why Cleanse?
A Cleanse helps to rejuvenate the body and enables you to function more optimally. It will strengthen the immune system, improve circulation and speed up the metabolism of the body. It can help you to lose weight, although this is not the its purpose, but if you are overweight it will do this while eliminating toxins, built up waste and extra stored fat cells from your body. It will give you a glow and improves the condition of your hair, nails and skin. Your eyes will look brighter reflecting the cleaner environment of the inner body. The inner benefits are plentiful and extensive, and many of the underlying ones are often undiscovered. What you will notice is, on top of physically feeling better in your body, you will feel more relaxed, energized and happier. A cleanse helps to clear your mind, making you better able to cope with life’s stresses. You will have a healthier body and enjoy an uplifted mood.
Why a Green Cleanse?
A Green Cleanse, such as this one, is one of the gentlest ways to detoxify the body. It is much less severe than a fast, with water fasting being the most severe and juice fasting being less so. The Green Cleanses provide an abundance of important nutrients that support and strengthen the body while encouraging the detoxification process. Often you will feel a ‘high on life’ feeling from the abundant nutrients. Doing the Green Cleanse can encourage you to incorporate a more healthful diet and beneficial lifestyle habits into your day to day life.
Signs of a toxic overload
- feeling tired and fatigue during the day
- frequent headaches
- feeling stressed
- dull looking eyes, skin and hair
- dark circles under eyes
- aches and pains in joints and muscle ache for no reason
- being stuffed up, having a mucus build up
- water retention and feeling bloated
- constipation and IBS
- difficulty sleeping
- difficulty concentrating
- frequent mood changes and feelings of depression or anxiety
A green cleanse will help to eliminate these toxic overload symptoms and make you feel refreshed, clearer, more energetic and peaceful.