West Slide Story Workout est 15 min
posted by Robin on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This workout is made up of 3 rounds and each is exactly the same with 4 minutes of intervals followed by 100 reps of High Knees Skipping, or just do High Knees if you can’t skip for any reason. The interval exercises are mostly done with sliders, which make the exercises really fun! ..and I feel confident they are just as effective as I can often feel them the next day. This may be because slightly different muscles are being engaged and used when performing the exercise, and that is what we are going for – diversity. A couple exercises are done with a medicine ball and you can use any other weighted object for these. The rounds are fast paced and the skipping boosts your heart rate, which is great for raising the metabolism and driving oxygen through the system. In my books this is always great. Do the 3 rounds back to back as fast as you can.
Sliders and alternatives
In the video I talk a bit at the end about the sliders I am using. I purchased them at a local discount store – XSCargo, for 5 or 10 dollars, very inexpensively. They are actually furniture sliders and came in a box of 5 larger and 5 smaller ones. I use the larger ones. Furniture sliders work great, but you can also purchase Val Slides, or other sliders made just for exercising with, on Amazon.
If you don’t have sliders, there are a few sliding options that work quite well. If you have hardwood floors you can use an old dish towel. I have used this, folded up just a little bigger than my foot and it worked quite well. On carpet you can use a plastic bag. I have not used this method but I have heard it works quite well also. I think the person I heard this from put their foot into the bag and said it slid quite well on the carpet.
Alternatively, if you prefer to do just bodyweight exercises without a slider, here are some options:
For the first push up exercise do 2 knee tucks, one on each leg, right after each push up.
For the lunges, do a side lunge by stepping out for each rep and a reverse lunge by stepping back for it.
For the bodysaw exercise, hold plank instead.
West Slide Story Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do 3 rounds of the following:
4 minutes of intervals – 6:10/30
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following exercises:
1. Push up with Sliding Knee Tucks
2. Sliding 2 Way Lunge – left
3. Sliding 2 Way Lunge – right
4. Sliding Bodysaw
5. Diagonal Woodchops with Medicine ball – left
6. Diagonal Woodchops with Medicine ball – right
then right after do 100 High Knees.
So, to clarify, that’s 3 rounds of the 4 min intervals and 100 High Knees Skipping after each 4 minutes of intervals, so 300 skips in total.
I did this workout in 14 minutes and 53 seconds.
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Push Up with Sliding Knee Tucks
Start in push up position and with feet on sliders and do a push up, then slide in both legs together bringing knees in close to chest and then slide them back out to start position. Each push up counts as one rep.
from standing position with one foot on slider, slide foot out to side with leg going into a side lunge position, slide foot back in and then slide back into a backwards lunge position and then back to start position. Continue on same leg, or switch slider to other foot in between reps to alternate feet.
Start in elbow plank position with each foot on a slider, using core muscles, move body forward and then back. Keep your body continually moving pulling yourself forward and pushing yourself back, sliding feet along with body.
Diagonal Woodchops with Medicine ball
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and hold medicine ball up above one shoulder, swing ball down to opposite side of the body just below hip area, bring back up and repeat.
High knee skipping is like jogging in place skipping but you bring each knee up as high as you can as each leg comes up.