Wave Rider Workout est 13 min

This Wave Rider Workout is short, but intense. It definitely will wave, jump, twist and twirl you around until you’re a sweaty mess. Fun. ; ) ..and you’ll be filled with endorphins and so actually smiling after the brutality. It will make you look and feel fabulous! All that in under 15 minutes! Awesome.
I did this in 12 minutes and 30 seconds. Try it and see how long it takes you.
Wave Rider Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do 3 rounds of this sequence:
5 Dive Bombers
10 Rolling Jump Tucks
30 Crab Toe Touch
20 180 Degree Touch Down Jumps
See it in Action
Exercise Descriptions
Start in pike position with wide legs, head low, bend elbows and swoop head close to but not touching floor, as head goes through arms it starts coming up at the end to a cobra position but keeping torso off the ground, hold and then swoop back in the same manner back to starting position.
Stand at end of mat and roll back so that knees are overhead, then roll forward and up to standing, then right away do a tuck jump, jumping up and bringing knees up to your chest and touching tucked knees at highest point of jump.
Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Stand at end of and sideways to mat, squat down and touch mat with fingers of hand closest to it, then jump up turning 180 degrees, squat down and touch mat with hand on other side. Continue jumping and touching down to mat on opposite sides
Have a Wonderful Wild and Wavy Workout!!