Vivacious Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe


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Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe

This sweet and spicy fruit and vegetable salad recipe is bursting with flavor, color, life and creativity. This is soul food that feeds the senses and makes you feel happy to be alive. Not only do the abundant fresh enzymes give you sustaining energy physically but the mingled scents and rich taste aliven our own senses and make us feel creative, connected and in tune. Yes, I really believe you can get all of this out of one salad. It’s an adventure in a bowl.

This rich colorful and flavorful salad is filled with tropical fruits and flavors mixed with leaves of basil, mint and cilantro. (yes, you can leave out the cilantro, if you really must.)

The dressing is a rich combination of tamarind, lime and chilies.


Tamarind is one of my favorite flavors and adds a depth and richness to many dishes. You can sometimes buy tamarind paste premade, but I find that the blocks of tamarind are available in more places, and I usually make it fresh using these.

I have a post with a video showing how to easily make your own tamarind paste here.


Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe


1 Mango – peeled, pit removed and diced
1 Pear – cored and diced
1 cup Pineapple – diced
1 cup Carrot – grated or shaved in ribbons
½ Red Peppers – diced
1 Tbsp Cilantro leaves – chopped a little
1 Tbsp Mint – sliced
6 Basil leaves – sliced into a chiffonade

2 Tbsp Tamarind paste
2 Tbsp Lime juice
1 Tbsp Tamari
1 Tbsp Agave or Honey
½ tsp Sambal Oelek, cayenne or ground chiles, as desired for spiciness


Prepare the dressing first. Follow the link above for directions to make your own tamarind paste and whisk dressing ingredients together. Set aside.

Prep the fruits and vegetables. Then add all of the ingredients to a bowl and toss to mix well and it’s ready to serve. This salad is best eaten fresh.


Photo Description

Get your ingredients together

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe - 1 ingredients

Mix the dressing.

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe - 3 dressing ingredients

Prep and chop the fruits and vegetables

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe - 2 ingredients chopped

Place all ingredients in a bowl.

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe - 4 add all ingredients to bowl

Toss and mix well.

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe - 5 toss

Transfer to a serving bowl.

Sweet and Spicy Fruit and Vegetable Salad Recipe

and this rich fun and adventurous bowl is ready to serve!


Enjoy!! In health and with love,

Robin Gregory signature


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