Vegetables in Ginger Tamarind Sauce Recipe

This tamarind sauce recipe is delicious! I love tamarind. It is one of my favorite flavors: sweet, sour and with a very deep flavor that once you add a little sweetness and some spices and zest, it turns into an almost intoxicating taste sensation. With this raw food recipe I am going to show how to marinate and dehydrate to soften vegetables the raw way.
I have a video below to show you exactly how this is made. But I also just made this recipe in my kitchen and took lots of pictures. So this is going to be made super easy for you. Raw foods recipes can seem intimidating as everything is so different from what Mom taught us. But have no fear. Raw is really very easy and I am going to take you through this step by step.
On the ladder of healthy eating we go from boiling to frying to steaming to dehydrating our foods. Well, that is besides just eating the vegetable straight from the garden. But aside from that, I think that if you are dehydrating your food, you are now on the top rungs of healthy eating. Awesome!
This tamarind sauce has a very rich taste and to make it we need to first start out with tamarind paste. I have a couple pictures below but here is the full post on how to make Tamarind Paste.
Vegetables in Ginger Tamarind Sauce Recipe
2 Carrots – chopped
2 Celery stalks – chopped
1 large Zucchini – chopped
½ Red Pepper – chopped
1 cup Broccoli – chopped
2 Green Onions – sliced
1Tbsp Cilantro leaves – chopped
¼ cup Tamarind paste
½ cup Water
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
3 Tbsp Water
1 Garlic clove – chopped
1″ Ginger – chopped
1 Tbsp Agave
1 Tbsp Tamari
To make tamarind paste, soak tamarind in ½ cup of water for 20 minutes to 1 hour. Mash well and press through a fine wire mesh strainer into bowl. To this paste, add the rest of the sauce ingredients and mix together. Add the vegetables in with the sauce and stir to coat. Spread on a teflex sheet and dehydrate at 110 degrees for 2-4 hours till slightly softened and warm.
Vegetables in Ginger Tamarind Sauce Recipe on YouTube
Photo Descriptions
Get your vegetables together.
note: I didn’t have any cilantro, and so just left it out and I had some beautiful small summer squash, so added them.
Assemble tamarind sauce ingredients.
The tamarind is still soaking in the above pic and not made into a paste yet. I showed the package my tamarind came from above. You can buy it in a block, like above, or buy tamarind already made into a paste. That’s the easiest way, but not nearly as messy or fun! You can also buy the fresh tamarind beans, and you peel and soak them like we are doing with the packaged tamarind. See more on making Tamarind Paste by clicking here.
After the tamarind pulp is soft it gets squeezed through a fine wire mesh strainer and we have tamarind paste, below.
Put the tamarind paste into the blender with the rest of the sauce ingredients.
Chop vegetables. Here are just the zucchini and carrots. I am showing these to show you how the carrots are chopped a little smaller, as they are a harder vegetable and take longer to get soft. Vegetables cut thinner and smaller get soft much quicker than thick pieces.
The rest of the vegetables cut up.
Mix the sauce into all of the vegetables. If you have time let them sit and marinate for a half hour to an hour, stirring occasionally, first. This will help the sauce marinate start to soften the vegetables and get well into the broccoli florets.
I didn’t wait very long and put them onto the dehydrator tray.
They are in my dehydrator right now, so this is as far as I can go. If I get a great picture of them later when they are finished dehydrating I will post below. ; ) Mmm! They are great served with a big side salad. You can serve with Nutmeat Patties or Hemp Protein Burgers also, but tonight I will have this with a salad and some Multi Seed Crackers and Dips.
It is now later in the evening..
They were delicious and a huge hit at dinner!
Here’s how they looked coming out of the dehydrator.
They dehydrated for about 4 hours. I left them on the teflex sheet and didn’t turn or touch them until they were finished. Then I just took them out and spooned them into a bowl to serve. Everyone loved them! Hope you do too!!