Up and At It Workout est 15 min

This workout took me just slightly over 15 minutes and is made up of 2 parts. The first part alternated skipping with an ab exercise. If you can not skip, substitute high knees or another cardio exercise. The second part is 9 minutes of intervals, alternating 3 exercises, each done 3 times. This workout has lots of cardio, which is great to get the heart rate up, interspersed with core focused exercises.
Up and At It Workout
Workout Breakdown
Part 1 Time Challenge
See how long it takes you to complete 5 rounds of the following :
60 Skips
30 Russian Twist (I used a medicine ball, use whatever weight you have available)
Part 2 Intervals
Set your timer for 9 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 50 seconds work and go through the following exercises 3 times:
Get Ups
Burpee with Grasshopper Kick Toe Touch, alt sides
Leg Lift, Butt Lift, Toe Touch
My Reps
Part 1 took me 6 minutes and 18 seconds to complete.
Part 2:
Get Ups – 10, 8, 9
Burpee with Grasshopper Kick Toe Touch, alt sides – 6, 6, 6
Leg Lift, Butt Lift, Toe Touch – 11, 12, 12
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.
Russian Twist with Medicine ball
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding medicine ball, or other weighted object, close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing medicine ball to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing medicine ball down to alternating sides. Each touch down with medicine ball is one rep.
Lay on mat with knees bent and feet on ground with arms beside you. Then sit up, bending one leg under you and put other foot on ground, using the strength of that leg lift yourself up – try to not use hands for support, and get up to standing. Then reverse movement to lie down again and continue repeating these movements. To modify, use your hands for support to help you get up.
Burpee with Grasshopper Kick Toe Touch
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then kick one leg out to opposite side underneath body and as foot comes out reach down with hand on the side closest to it (opposite hand to foot that is kicking) and touch toe as it kicks, bring foot and hand back to plank position and jump legs back in and jump up in the air. Alternate sides for each rep.
Leg Lift, Butt Lift, Toe Touch
Lie on mat and lift legs together straight up, then using your core muscles lift butt up off the ground keeping legs straight up, then bring arms up and reach to touch fingers to your toes, and then lower legs to start position.This is one rep.