Ugi Monster Total Tone Workout – HIIT Ugi Workout est 27 min

This total tone workout has all Ugi exercises and mixes lots of new exercises with Ugi as well as some favorites. This Ugi workout is a full body HIIT workout, focusing on leg and ab exercises but has lots of movement to shape and tone the whole body. There are 2 parts, a time challenge followed by HIIT interval training and these two parts are each done three times.
Ugi workouts are great for working on balance and strengthening your stabilizing muscles. Ugi exercises are fun and challenging and the Ugi ball is quite unlike any other piece of workout equipment I have used. It is soft like a cushion (not too soft) yet weighted to give resistance. It makes for some creative and fun workouts and exercise combinations. Get yours, or see more about it, from the link on my Resource page.
Go here for links to online timers and more info about the Gymboss interval timer.
HIIT workouts are proven to be the most effective form of exercise for boosting metabolism and to lose weight while you build muscle.
Interesting fact
HIIT has been shown to stimulate production of Human Growth Hormone, which helps to slow down the aging process, by up to 450 percent during 24 hours after you finish your workout. HGH helps to burn calories also while making your body act younger and making you feel and look younger too!
Read more about HIIT workouts, and tabata training too.
Ok, now let’s get at the workout!
Ugi Monster Total Tone Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do 3 rounds of the following 2 parts
Part 1 – Time challenge
5 Ugi Woodchop Adventure Burpees
That is, do 5 cross Ugi woodchop squats, set Ugi down and do 10 mountain climbers, then 4 jump ins and jump up.
Part 2 – 6 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following exercises:
5 Point Touchdown Ugi Sit Up
Ugi Squat Toe Tap
Ugi Bridge with One Leg raise – left
Ugi Bridge with One Leg raise – left
Round the Ugi
Ugi to Elbow Crunch
Roll Back with 3 Point Plank Jumps and Ugi Raise
90 Degree Ugi Crunches
Ugi Total Tone Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1 – (1st) 2 min 44 sec, (2nd) almost 3 min, (3rd) 2 min 40 sec
Part 2
5 Point Touchdown Ugi Sit Up – (1st) 5, (2nd) 5, (3rd) 6
Ugi Squat Toe Tap – (1st) 15, (2nd) 19, (3rd) 15
Ugi Bridge with One Leg raise – right – (1st) 15, (2nd) 15, (3rd) 16
Ugi Bridge with One Leg raise – left – (1st) 16, (2nd) 16, (3rd) 17
Round the Ugi – (1st) 23, (2nd) 23, (3rd) 22
Ugi to Elbow Crunch – (1st) 25, (2nd) 26, (3rd) 27
Roll Back with 3 Point Plank Jumps and Ugi Raise – (1st) 4, (2nd) 4, (3rd) 4
90 Degree Ugi Crunches – (1st) 24, (2nd) 26, (3rd) 23
Exercise Descriptions
Ugi Woodchop Adventure Burpees
Do 5 cross Ugi woodchop squats, set Ugi down and do 10 mountain climbers, then 4 jump ins and jump up.
Cross Ugi Woodchop Squat – Start standing with feet shoulder width apart, holding Ugi up overhead to one side and in a chop motion bring Ugi down across in front of your body to the other side and low by knees, while still squatting down bring Ugi over to the outside of the opposite knee and then swing Ugi up diagonally to the and overhead while coming up from the squat. This is one rep. For the next rep reverse the movements so that after this rep you end up in your start position. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Lying on ground with legs wide and flat on ground, hold Ugi above head with straight arms, sit up and bring Ugi to the outside of the shin of one leg and touch the ground, then touch ground in between legs and then touch Ugi down on the outside of opposite leg shin, then come back, bringing torso back to ground and bringing Ugi overhead and down to ground above but to one side of your head, the opposite side from your last touchdown, then bring ball to other side of head, keeping arms straight, and touch ground and back touching Ugi to ground again. This is one rep. For the next rep you will continue the movements but this time start at the opposite leg and work back, sitting up and touching ground 3 times by legs and then lowering back and touching 3 times, at 2 points above, but on either side of your head. Continue with these sit ups alternating sides for each rep.
Start standing with feet shoulder width apart and Ugi held at hip level, squat and bring ball to one toe, then back up and repeat alternating sides.
I did mine with a Ugi press as I came up from each squat.
Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi. Then straighten one leg and raise it up high and then lower and continue raising and lowering one leg while balancing other leg on Ugi holding the bridge position with it for the interval time.
Place right hand and right hip on Ugi, keeping right hand on ball move right hip off, and move behind and around the ball, staying low, switching hands and bringing left hip to ball. Stay low throughout all movements and continue alternating going back and forth from right and left sides of Ugi.
Lying on ground with knees bent and holding Ugi between knees, place hands behind head and come up crunching abs and twist torso to bring one elbow to Ugi, release and go back to ground and then come up for next rep and twist torso in the opposite direction and bring other elbow up to Ugi. Release and continue with crunches alternating sides for each rep.
Roll Back with 3 Point Plank Jumps and Ugi Raise
From standing holding Ugi at navel area lower and roll back bringing knees up overhead and then roll back forward, place Ugi on the ground and jump back into plank position, jump feet in and then out to one side, jump them back in and then out to the other side and back in again. After jumping out and in to center, left and right points, stand and lift Ugi up overhead and back to floor. This is one rep.
Lay straight on a mat or the ground and lift legs up at a 90 degree angle bending knees so that they also form a 90 degree angle (if you were turned upright you would look like you are sitting in a chair), set Ugi on your shins and then crunch your body up and as you come up reach out your hands and touch the sides of Ugi and then release and come back down. Continue these movements doing as many reps as possible in time period.