Twin Peaks Full Body Workout est 21 min

This workout is made up of 5 parts. It has 3 plateau parts, each with a 2 minute dip station sequence and 2 peak parts, where you climb a mountain of body weight exercises for time. The 2 time challenge rounds are a mix of real classic and fun body weight exercises. I found it just challenging enough to really push through it but thankful it was done by the end. It was a good challenge and I was ready to try to beat my time for the 2nd peak round. See how you do and how long it takes you to tackle the twin peaks!
Twin Peaks Full Body Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout is made up of 5 Parts
Parts 1, 3 and 5
Do as many rounds as possible in 2 minutes of this Dip Station sequence:
3 Reverse Push ups
3 Oblique Knee Raises – left
3 Oblique Knee Raises – right
3 Knee Raises
Parts 2 and 4
Time challenge
10 Burpees
20 T Push Ups
30 Grasshopper Kick Plank Jacks
40 Squats
50 Mountain Climbers
My Score
Part 2 took me 7 minutes and 32 seconds to complete and I did Part 4 in 6 minutes and 58 seconds. For Parts 1, 3 & 5, I got in 4 rounds for each of them.
Let me know how you do!
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Sitting on ground just in front of dip station, reach up and grab handles, bend legs or stretch out legs in front of you. The further legs are out, the harder pulling yourself is so bend your legs to make it easier to pull yourself up and straighten legs out for more of a challenge. Then pull yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lower yourself back down. Continue pulling yourself up and lowering for as many reps as you can in time or for number of reps indicated.
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, bend legs at an angle and bring up knees towards your chest using your oblique (side ab) muscles, then lower legs back down to standing.
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, then bend legs bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to standing. This is one rep.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Do a regular push up and then turn into side plank position and extend top arm straight up to ceiling, hold a second and come back to plank, alternate sides for each rep. Each push up is one rep
From high plank (push up) position kick one leg out to opposite side underneath body and as foot comes out reach down with hand on the side closest to it (opposite hand to foot that is kicking) and touch toe as it kicks, bring foot and hand back to plank position and then do a plank jack, jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center. This is one rep. For the next rep kick the opposite leg out to its opposite side, touch with the hand closest to it, come back to plank and do a plank jack. Continue in this manner alternating legs for each rep.
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and squat down so that thighs are parallel with ground and then come back up to standing. Throughout the movement keep weight on the heel of the foot. Make sure that your knee never goes beyond toe. Most of your weight will be in back, so lean forward or reach out arms to counter the weight.
Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep.
Have a great workout!