Toronto Trip, Thoughts and Plans, Rawketscience style!

I have so much on my mind these days. In the old days I wrote my Rawketscience blog which was quite different than this one. It had lots of high vibe tips and thoughts on life, as I cruised through it living the superfood raw lifestyle. There was some info and recipes but it was a bit of a jumble, totally unorganized and I felt lots of important information, especially recipes, got lost amidst the art, videos and random thoughts.
And so I woke up one morning with the vision for this website. In my memory of that vision, it looked just like it does now. It was filled with my favorite healthy living strategies, recipes, workouts, all organized and easily accessible. Awesome. However, I woke up a few weeks ago with the feeling that I have done what I set out to do. I achieved my goal. Website done. eeks.. so now what?
Well, for now I will keep posting as usual. I am slowing it down slightly for the summer. I love posting and sharing and keeping in touch, but I also have worked on this relentlessly for the past year to build it first and put in my fav content. I love it. I have learned so much and I want to see it expand and grow, but I also feel like stepping back will give me time to grow into a new phase with it. I feel like I need some recoup time to see the vision through the posts (forest through the trees) and decide where and how to move forward.
Retreats were mentioned by more than one source and that’s an option I definitely see in the future.
Skies of Vilcabamba – video
A retreat idea was suggested here – Vilcabamba, Equador – aka the Valley of Longevity. Seeds are being planted all over!!
I met up with so many people that I was so thrilled to see again at the Raw Vegan Festival. I only took a couple pictures, but got Soo many awesome hugs. I love the Toronto raw community!! I feel like I have deep soul connections with so many people there.
Toronto Trip Photos
Here are a few pics of my trip. I didn’t take very many ..but join me for a bit in Toronto.
My son just moved into a new condo downtown, so he could walk to work. awesome. ..and he put us up for the week. One end of his condo is all glass, floor to ceiling. He put me in charge of getting curtains, which I didn’t do until midway-end of the trip. So we had some early mornings! It was awesome waking up to the sunrise every morning though!!
I grabbed my camera one morning and took a pic of it. Pretty sky, but sadly red sky in the morning often means rain.. and it did. a lot during the week. You can barely see this pic but between the living room where we were and the bedroom are also sliding floor to ceiling glass doors, which also reflected the sunrise. Awesome ambiance to wake up to!
I gave up my cell phone a year ago and Dylan also set me up with unlimited phone and text. That made life easy. However, there was no internet and that was just strange. I understand on his part. He works developing and writing the code that makes computer programs work, so it’s nice to get away from it for a bit. I’m sure he’ll get it set up eventually.. How will he skype with me?!! I am so thankful for Skype and the internet to be able to keep in touch with my kids during this period of living away from them.
The Dark Horse cafe is the best and closest cafe with internet to Dylan’s place. I loved the vibe here and came here in the morning most days to post and say hi on facebook.
My friend Dawn has amazing gardens all around her house. We were neighbors on this street for most of the years raising my kids. I stayed home with them for 17 years. That was the biggest blessing ever to be able to do that, and this was the best street ever to live on. I spent a day here and got to see some awesome friends who I miss lots.
Dawn had an amazing green smoothie waiting for me. Great friends make friends green smoothies!! I just made that up, but it’s good, huh?
I loved this idea. Dawn had a basket for each of her daycare kids and they each planted their favorite selection of veggies in it.
Toronto Reference Library. Another internet spot, and being right at Yonge and Bloor, a very central location and crossing of the 2 main subway lines, it was a good meeting point.
Sometimes we sat at Balzac’s, the coffee shop out front. Really they need more juice bars with wi-fi in the city!! Great internet reception here tho.
River City Condos are still under construction. We could watch all the work going on, ..and track in construction dust. It was kind of cool to watch it being transformed though. Lower River Street is quite new. I think it is not even on Google earth yet.
Just turning a step to the left from taking the photo of the condo is this: the Don River. I was on the Queen East/River St Bridge.
“This river I step in is not the river I stand in.” Quote at the top of bridge, by Heraclitus, a man who understood that change is constant.
The Raw Vegan Festival!
Firstly, Thank you to Bob for the Black Mud, brings back memories!! awesome, thank you!
Thank you Natasha for the book!! I love you and everything you do! You rawk, big time!! Please visit and like her Simply Raw Express facebook page!
Thank you to everyone here for doing what you do. I know and appreciate how much work it is to provide nutrient dense foods, to go against mainstream conventional media and to promote a truly vibrant healthy raw and vegan lifestyle. Being around such high vibrating conscious people makes my heart and soul expand and I am so thankful for the work you do. You are all a huge blessing to the planet and all of humankind. Thank you all!!
That goes for you reading this too! We’re all in this together!
Below Keren and Jeff of Sattva. Love you Keren and am thrilled that you have brought your peaceful love meditating warrior ways to raw foods. Best ever seeing you here and not only are your products from a high conscious plane, but they taste amazing too!! Yes. Delicious and wonderful products, thank you for bringing them to the world.
Mark of Giddy Yoyo – amazing chocolate!!! So wonderful re-connecting!! Delicious high vibe superfood chocolate. Love it!
There were so many people to list and I spent more time hugging and chatting. It was a deep soul fix that made me really realize that Toronto is definitely my home. Love, love, love.
Also, special thanks to Ian for cutting the coconuts & to Nick for providing them!! Mmm!
When we stepped out of the raw vegan festival on Bathurst street and walked down two blocks to Bloor, what a wonderful surprise. The street was closed off between Bathurst and Spadina Ave. Tents were set up and there were lots of musicians and entertainers.. such a fun walk. This is something I really miss. So much fun, activity, music, color and Life.
Here are a few really random pics. I just lifted my camera and shot a pic every once in awhile.
Coming home, a photo somewhere on Queen St East waiting for the streetcar. Nothing very special, just Toronto as I remember it.
There is a skatepark attached to Dylan’s condo, which happens to be his fav skatepark in the city. How coincidental My daughter Kaiya and I went down to check it out one evening when Dylan was going to skate. He went down there almost every evening.
The ramps, etc are further away, so not the best pic..but I liked how the lights changed color. I’m all lights and sparkle haha
Last morning at the Dark Horse and they were having a filming shoot. Lots of lights and a big set up even outside. I am not sure what it was for. There is often lots of filming being done in Toronto. I like that too.
Well, that was the trip, bits and pieces. It made me realize how much I miss it there. I have a new challenge in life now. To transport us all back there. The cost of living there is much higher than where we are, so I have some serious visualizing to do!!
Thanks for sharing my adventure.