The Whole 9 Planks Ugi Workout 18 min

This Ugi workout has 18 exercises. Most of them are Ugi exercises, but there are a few bodyweight exercises added to the mix. Every second exercise is a plank exercise, so nine plank variations. This Ugi workout, like most Ugi workouts, challenges the stabilizing muscles as you try to keep balance, especially for the Ugi plank exercises. They are more challenging than they may look. The plank ab exercises are combined with more abs and also leg exercises. This is a great Ugi workout to shape up our summer bodies!
Workouts with Ugi are really fun but also very challenging. I love it that it feels like play doing the Ugi workouts, but you can feel after just how much of a workout you really get with this playful little ball. I love my Ugi. I have the 8 lb pink Ugi ball and there is a link to it, as well as the timer, and all my home workout equipment here, on my Resource page.
The Whole 9 Planks Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
18 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 50 seconds work and go through the following exercises:
Ugi Plank with Arm Lift
Squats with Side Leg Lift
Ugi Plank Walk Up
Caterpillar Ugi
Plank to Pike on Ugi
Ugi Woodchop Squats
Ugi Plank Toe Tap
Pulsing Jump Lunges
Plank with Oblique Knee Tucks
Round the Ugi
Reptile Plank Hops
Ugi Russian Twist
Plank Jack to Mountain Climber (5:5)
Toss and Catch Ugi
Ugi Plank with Leg Lift
Leg Lift, Toe Touch Leg Drop, Toe Touch with Ugi
Side Plank Mill
Ugi Bridge
Ugi Workout on Video
My Reps
Ugi Plank with Arm Lift – 16
Squats with Side Leg Lift – 21
Ugi Plank Walk Up – 10
Caterpillar Ugi – 25
Plank to Pike on Ugi 11
Ugi Woodchop Squats – 20
Ugi Plank Toe Tap – 21
Pulsing Jump Lunges – 27
Plank with Oblique Knee Tucks – 37
Round the Ugi – 35
Reptile Plank Hops – 17
Ugi Russian Twist – 48
Plank Jack to Mountain Climber (5:5) – 6
Toss and Catch Ugi – 35
Ugi Plank with Leg Lift – 19
Leg Lift, Toe Touch Leg Drop, Toe Touch with Ugi – 9
Side Plank Mill – 10
Ugi Bridge – 21
Exercise Descriptions
Start in plank position on your forearms with feet up on Ugi. Alternate lifting and reaching the hand of one arm out in front of you and then bringing it back and then reaching the other arm out towards the wall in front of you and bringing it back. Continue holding plank and alternating reaching out arms while balancing in plank position on Ugi.
From standing with feet shoulder width apart, squat down and then come up and raise one leg, keeping it straight, out to the side, then bring leg back to start position. Do another squat followed with the opposite leg lift to the other side. Continue alternating side that do the leg lift for each rep.
Start in high plank (push up) position with feet up on Ugi, then go down to elbow plank position one arm at a time and then come back up to start high plank position one arm at a time. Continue changing plank positions going from high plank to elbow plank and back while keeping feet balanced on Ugi.
Sit on Ugi and balance with legs raised and hands just touching ground behind you, then crunch knees in towards chest and then bring them back out and continue alternating bringing legs in and out. Focus on tightening abs during movements.
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi, hold for a few seconds, then roll ball in a bit so feet come forward n it and lift up hips to bring yourself to pike position. Again hold a few seconds and roll back out so you are in plank and repeat these movements balancing on Ugi and alternating positions.
Do a woodchop bringing Ugi high overhead to one side and when you bring it down squat down and twist bringing it low, close to ground between feet, alternate sides.
Get into plank position with feet on Ugi, take one foot off Ugi and touch floor beside it with foot, then put foot back up an Ugi and take the other foot off and touch floor beside Ugi on the other side and bring back up so both feet are again on Ugi. Repeat these movements alternating sides of touching the floor with foot while holding plank position. You will need to use your core stabilizing muscles to keep balance while doing this exercise.
Start in a forward lunge position, with front leg bent and back leg straight, jump up and simultaneously switch leg positions, so that opposite leg is forward, then pulse down and up in this position. This is one rep. After pulsing down and up, jump again switching leg positions so that opposite leg is lunging forward and pulse down and up again and continue in this manner, jumping and pulsing between each jump.
Starting in high plank position, bring one knee in to opposite elbow and return, repeat with other knee and continue alternating sides.
Place right hand and right hip on Ugi, keeping right hand on ball move right hip off, and move behind and around the ball, staying low, switching hands and bringing left hip to ball.
From plank position jump feet from center to the left, then do a reptile knee tuck with the left leg, bringing knee towards elbow and back. Then take 2 hops, back to center and then to the right, and do a reptile knee tuck with the right leg, continue alternating sides. Each reptile tuck is one rep
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and continue alternating sides for each rep keeping legs elevated a few inches off ground through movements.
Plank Jack to Mountain Climber
Starting at high plank (push up) position first do 5 plank jacks, jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center, and then bring one leg in getting into mountain climber position and do 5 mountain climbers. Bring leg up close to chest back to plank and do another 5 plank jacks and this time when you bring in leg to mountain climber position bring in the opposite leg than last time. Do 5 mountain climbers and continue repeating these movements alternating the leg you bring up to start mountain climbers for each rep.
In seated position with legs outstretched but relaxed, knees slightly bend, lean back a bit and throw up Ugi and catch it while balancing and holding core tight.
Start in plank position, balancing on your forearms with feet up on Ugi. Alternate lifting one leg up, then bringing it back and then lift the other leg up and bring it back. Continue holding plank and alternating lifting legs while balancing supporting foot on Ugi.
Leg Lift, Toe Touch Leg Drop, Toe Touch with Ugi
Start lying flat on mat with legs straight and arms extended above head holding Ugi, lift legs together straight up at 90 degrees while simultaneously lifting up Ugi to touch toes, lower legs and Ugi down to starting position. Next sit up lifting Ugi overhead and reach forward to touch Ugi to your toes and then reverse movements coming back to starting position again. This is one rep.
Start in side plank with arm outstretched toward ceiling, turn body to high plank position without touching ground with extended arm, in plank extend it out directly in front of you, go back into side plank position, extending arm upwards and continue going back and forth between these 2 positions.
Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi. Then lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground and repeat lifting hips up to bridge and lowering.