The Skip Around Skipping Workout est 24 min

This skipping workout is made up of 3 time challenge rounds. In each one you alternate a skipping exercise with another fast paced bodyweight exercise. 60 reps of skipping is done before, after and in between each of the fun and diverse full body exercises. This gives you an action packed non-stop great cardio workout and challenge. Each round has 300 reps of skipping and so you end up with 900. Do 100 reps warm up, or afterwards, to make it 1000 reps. If you don’t know how to jump rope, or do not have proper space to do it in, you can alternate mountain climbers, high knees (running on the spot with high knees) or jumping jacks.
The first exercise in each round is done on a dip station. If you do not have a dip station you can substitute it with your favorite ab crunch exercise.
To get a dip station for your home gym, check out the link from my Resource page.
The Skip Around Skipping Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout is made up of 3 time challenge rounds.
After each round take a 1 minute break. ..and then try to beat your time from the previous round. This is how it goes:
Do 3 rounds of the following sequence
60 Skips
20 Knee Raises on Dip Station
60 Skips
5 Reptile Roll Overs
60 Skips
10 Jump In, Plank Jack, Push up
60 Skips
5 Crab Walk Dances
60 Skips
Skipping Workout on Video
My Times
Round 1 took me 7 min and 28 sec.
Round 2 took me 7 min and 16 sec.
Round 3 took me 7 min and 03 sec.
I took a 1 min break between each round, so this skipping workout took me approximately 24 min.
I also did this one last May, when I fist created it, and it took me 22:46 for 3 rounds then.
Exercise Descriptions
Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.
On one end of mat do 8 reptile knee tucks and then roll over to other side of mat. This is one rep. On the next rep after doing reptile knee tucks roll back to start position. Do reptile knee tucks like this: from high plank position, bring one knee out to side and up towards same side elbow and return, repeat with other knee and continue alternating sides for each knee tuck.
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, then bend legs bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to standing. This is one rep.
Start in push up (high plank) position and jump both feet in together towards chest, jump them back out and then do a plank jack and follow with a push up. This is one rep.
Do 8 Crab Toe touches and then do 4 crab walks. This is one rep, on the next rep after doing the crab toe touches, walk back to start position. Do crab te touches like this: starting in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Have a great workout!