Terrific Workout
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

For all of the exercises in this terrific workout I used my sandbag and I loved these sandbag exercises. I did a little over 2 rounds, but because of filming I started late and I think I could have done better! If you try it please let me know how many rounds you did. ..and eventually I will get it down to time it correctly!
This is my first metabolism booster (under 10 minute) workout video’d! I have a plan of 2 short workouts each day, one under 10 minutes and one 10-15 minutes. I am going to try to post as many as possible.. so it’s going to be a busy month! : )
Terrific Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes
This is one round:
10 Sandbag Double Pull Burpees
10 Single Leg Deadlift – left
10 Single Leg Deadlift – right
10 Around the World Sandbag Squats
See it on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Place sandbag on ground just in front of you to the side, then put your hands on floor in front of you and jump or step your legs back so you are in push up position, sandbag should be at chest level on ground to one side of you. Lift hand on opposite side of sandbag and pull sandbag across floor underneath you to the other side of you, then do a push up. Next ake your other hand (opposite of the side that the sandbag is on) and pull the sandbag back over to its starting position and do another push up. Then finish burpee by jumping legs in and jumping up. This is one rep.
Stand straight and hold sandbag at arm’s length, around thigh level, bring one leg off ground with knee slightly bent and bend torso at waist, pivoting body forward and bringing down sandbag in front to ground and lifting raised leg out straight behind you, keeping balance on one leg and then come back to start position. This is one rep.
Start with legs shoulder width apart and sandbag held behind at upper back. Squat and then swing one arm overhead bringing sandbag around to front and then the other arm over to bring it back into starting position, so that the sandbag has just gone 360 degrees around your head. This is one rep. Change directions for each rep, going back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise.
I really enjoyed this one and I actually feel like doing it again! ; )
Hope you enjoy it. Have a great workout!!
Tags: sandbag, under 10 min, workouts