Posts Tagged ‘workouts’

The Full Ugi is a 15 minute interval workout with 9 exercises all using the Ugi ball. There are some new Ugi exercises, which is always fun and this workout is really focused on abs and core as well as butt and legs, which it really hit more than I realized as I am really feeling it there today! The Ugi makes workouts fun. They are tough but at the same time they have a play quality to them so you tend to forget (sometimes) how tough the exercises are when you are doing them and just get into the challenge. Ugi is great for working on balance and for working your stabilizing assisting muscles, as well as the main muscles, so you really build core strength with it. So let’s get to the Full Ugi! || Read more

This new burpee workout is a time challenge and has 5 different types of burpees in it. The last 3 types are ones I am doing for the first time. Fun new burpees that are set around ab crunch exercises done with a medicine ball. You can use a different weight, like a dumbbell, water bottle, or just use body weight if you don’t have a medicine ball. There are some really fun exercises in here and I hope you enjoy the workout. || Read more

This workout has 5 rounds. 3 of them are cardio (Full Heart) rounds, and they are a mountain climbers/high knees/jumping jacks combo that should take under 2 minutes for each. These are done around the 2 interval parts which are both made up of different exercises, so you won’t get bored! I like to mix up the exercises. both it’s great for the body to use different muscles and also to keep the brain entertained so it’s busy thinking about what to do next and then the time just flies by and before you know it, another workout done! I hope you enjoy this one. I thought it flowed along well and was a fun one! || Read more

This workout is made up of 5 parts. It has 3 plateau parts, each with a 2 minute dip station sequence and 2 peak parts, where you climb a mountain of body weight exercises for time. The 2 time challenge rounds are a mix of real classic and fun body weight exercises. I found it just challenging enough to really push through it but thankful it was done by the end. It was a good challenge and I was ready to try to beat my time for the 2nd peak round. See how you do and how long it takes you to tackle the twin peaks!

This 12 minute workout is designed to work on our legs, abs and butt. It is made up of 3 Tabata intervals, each one alternating 2 different exercises. One of the exercises in each directly targets the butt and the other is builds your core strength and ab muscles. Each exercises provides some relief from the other so you get the most reps and the most benefit out of each interval period. So, get your timer out and ready to blast that butt! || Read more