Posts Tagged ‘workouts’

Hey Mr Sandbag Workout, do a burpee for me.. or two or three. Fun! ..well, the workout seems fun but it’s a little brutal getting through the first part. Actually I think this is a good challenge and very doable. The first part is the type of challenge where you get halfway though and you say.. Oh, this is crazy, forget it..but then you go – wait. I’m half way finished, I’ll just do a few more reps.. and all of a sudden you’re finished and feeling awesome. ..and then it doesn’t seem so bad. ; ) That type of workout. ..and then the second interval part is a bit of a relief. Some great sandbag exercises and not a walk in the park, but it feels good to go back to intervals after the jumping and burpees. I really liked this workout and hope that you do too! || Read more

This 18 minute full body workout is made up of 6 sandbag exercises, a combo of a few new ones with a few classics. The matrix exercise engages your core ab muscles and is a new fun exercise. The sandbag leg raise exercise also works your core. Holding the sandbag up as you lift and lower your legs activates the ab muscles also and makes you automatically tighten and strengthen them throughout the movements. || Read more

This workout is 20 minutes long but is not as intense and filled with action as many of my workouts. Of course it is still effective! It is geared at targeting your butt and hamstrings, especially with the bridge leg pulses which is a great exercise for shaping that area. There are still burpees and mountain climbers to get your heart rate up and which lead into the other awesome new exercises. This has some classic body and booty shaping exercises. ..and hey, they are classics because they work. Let’s get on this one and shape those legs! || Read more

For this workout we are changing it up and doing lots of box jumps. We have 3 tabata rounds which each alternate between 2 exercises and is mostly focused on upper body. There are pull ups, push ups and burpees partnered with lots of jumping. You will need a sturdy raised surface for this workout. I am using an exercise step with risers so the height can be adjusted and this works great, but a wooden box or bench will work also, just make sure it is strong and sturdy. This dynamic and fun workout will keep you moving and make the time go fast too!