Posts Tagged ‘workouts’

This fun and fast moving ball workout features the Ugi and also has a Swiss ball being used for a couple exercises. This workout is a little longer than usual, but workouts using the Ugi always somehow seem more fun. This workout moves alog quickly. It is fast, dynamic and filled with cardio. It has 4 rounds and in each you alternate rounds of intervals (HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training) with skipping. This will take approximately 20 minutes or longer if you take breaks between rounds. Try to get through it as quickly as you can. || Read more

I had to celebrate as this is my 100th workout video on Youtube! And so what better way to celebrate than to do lots of burpees – 100 burpees of course! This workout rocks! I picked out 10 of my favorite kinds of burpees. ok, hold up, I lied, because supergirl burpees are NOT my favorite, but I do want to get better at them, so yes they are included, but aside from these.. and if I was good at them, they would be pretty awesome! ..and so one day they will be a favorite and this will be true. Truth from the future. But I digress. This workout has 10 rounds of super awesome burpees and knee hug crunches. Burpee love. || Read more

This workout has 5 parts, which makes it sound long but it isn’t at all. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th parts are all 8 reps of different (fun) types of burpees and the 2nd and 4th parts are both the same set of intervals and go through a sequence of 8 different (and also fun) exercises. It changes up quickly and keeps your mind entertained as the time goes by. A few exercises in this workout are done using a dip station but I will list alternative exercises for if you don’t have one. || Read more

This workout is 15 minutes of intervals with lots of burpees. It’s 4 different types of burpees intermixed with other legs, butt and abs exercises making this a mainly lower body workout. Jump lunges and squats are a couple of the best exercises I have found for shaping the butt and upper thighs. These bodyweight exercises are amazing and have just about completely erased any signs of cellulite from my upper legs, which is astonishing considering I have had this most of my life, and have tried every cream, lotion, potion and trick I would hear of to try to get rid of it. Go figure that now in my late 40’s I would discover the key with these bodyweight exercises, which seems to make it magically fade away. Awesome. So come burpee with me and get great shaped legs! || Read more

This skipping based workout has 10 rounds and even though it is skipping based, if you can not skip for any reason, you can alternate the skipping for another cardio based exercise, such as high knees or mountain climbers. I will admit that I overindulged over the holiday season and I was feeling it. ..and to boot, the evening before doing this workout I ate a huge bowl of salty popcorn, which I love.. and among other stuff. yikes! I was feeling it but I also knew that a longer cardio based workout was going to make me feel so much better afterwards. It did. It can be tempting to avoid doing workouts if you have over indulged, but trust me, you will feel so much better afterwards. Your metabolism will be boosted and it leaves you wanting to eat healthier. || Read more

First say Triple Trip 3 times really fast. ; ) It’s a workout that’s as fun as it’s name! This one is 14 minutes and 3 parts, each one has knee raise exercises done on the dip station. The first and third parts are the same and the goal is to do as many rounds of the exercise sequence as possible in 5 minutes. The time goes by really fast when you are racing against it. The second part in between these is a tabata interval round and for each work interval in it you do the same exercise. Your mission is to do the exercises quickly while keeping the best form you can while doing them.

This workout is a long one but a good one! It has lots of cardio built into it and will work on mostly lower body (legs, butt) and abs. For this one I did 3 rounds of the 2 parts. The first part is a time challenge that took me just over 3 minutes for each round and the second part is interval training rotating 3 awesome sandbag exercises and it is almost 7 minutes. So doing one round of the 2 parts will take about 10 minutes. My initial intention was to do 4 rounds of this, but as I was expecting company and was already at my time limit (was giving myself 30 minutes) I changed it to 3 rounds. So, that being said.. if you are up for the 4 rounds go for it! ..and conversely if you feel like doing 2 or even one round of this – great. Do whatever it takes to get yourself up and moving! ..but however you do it, push yourself while you are in the ring and do your best. You will feel great about yourself after! || Read more