Posts Tagged ‘workouts’

Hot Sideshow Abs Workout is a 24 minute HIIT workout with all bodyweight exercises. It has lots of new and great abdominal exercises that focus on one side and then the other to really target the abs muscles being worked. The abs exercises are combined with one leg exercises, plank and burpees which are great for balance and so also work the core stabilizing, deeper assisting muscles to build core strength. This is great functional strength that will keep your body strong for all of your day to day movements and lessen chances of any injuries. || Read more

This high intensity workout is a 16 minute long HIIT interval workout with all bodyweight exercises. Go through a sequence of 8 fun classic exercises mixing cardio, full body and abs exercises along with core strength building exercises. Do it as quick as you can to get as many reps in of each exercise before the beep. Keeping good form is a priority to get the most out of the workout, but moving fast through it provides great cardio and will really boost your metabolism. || Read more

This 12 minute Ugi workout is a HIIT workout made up of all Ugi exercises. There are 5 exercises and you go through them in intervals, with the feature exercise – Ugi Cross Core Abs getting repeated. I am always looking for ways to make sit ups more interesting, and I liked the way this exercise works the core and obliques. The Ugi exercises may look easy, but that is only until you actually do them, and then you realize it takes a lot of deeper core strength to balance and keep form, holding onto or supported by that seemingly innocent weighted ball. Each of the exercises in this Ugi workout is a new one for me, or a different variation, and the time went by really fast! || Read more

This skipping workout is made up of 3 time challenge rounds. In each one you alternate a skipping exercise with another fast paced bodyweight exercise. 60 reps of skipping is done before, after and in between each of the fun and diverse full body exercises. This gives you an action packed non-stop great cardio workout and challenge. Each round has 300 reps of skipping and so you end up with 900. Do 100 reps warm up, or afterwards, to make it 1000 reps. If you don’t know how to jump rope, or do not have proper space to do it in, you can alternate mountain climbers, high knees (running on the spot with high knees) or jumping jacks. || Read more

This leg workout routine is designed to shape legs to build glutes as well. This time challenge workout is 10 rounds of 3 bodyweight exercises, featuring jump lunges. Jump lunges are a fantastic plyometric exercise and I think one of the best leg exercises for upper legs, to tighten thighs and butt and to build glutes, quads and other leg muscles. They also help to develop balance and stability. The jump lunges partnered up with squats and burpees will not only build you some great legs, but adds cardio into the mix. This is a great way to get more cardio in and make it fun. But one of the great benefits besides being so healthy, driving oxygen into your body and boosting your cardiovascular system is that it really boosts the metabolism and helps you lose weight so much quicker. Bonus!

This upper body workout is a 3 part workout. The first and last parts are the same and are 8 minutes of HIIT high intensity interval training alternating exercises with push ups in them and fun crunches exercises. ; ) They are all fun, right? Well, at least they change up enough that you don’t get bored and one of my favorite burpees is in here. The 2nd part, done between the HIIT rounds, is an awesome cardio exercise that is also great for abs. If you do enough of these you can really feel it in the ab muscles after. Mountain climbers provide awesome cardio that takes up no room, is quiet and works quite a lot of your body at the same time. See how fast you can do them. It’s a challenge. || Read more

This legs and abs workout is a high intensity interval training workout (HIIT) and made up of 15 minutes of intervals. For this one you go through 6 bodyweight exercises each 3 times. The lunging leg exercises are split up with a couple of ab exercises between each one. || Read more