Posts Tagged ‘therapies’

I woke up this morning with a tingly throat, borderline sore. I could feel it coming yesterday too but I ignored it as I rarely ever get a cold thinking it would just go away. It’s getting really cold here in Canada and all of a sudden this week I am staying indoors a lot more than I’m used to with the heat on and I’ve realized that I have not been drinking enough water. Lack of fresh air and dehydrated and I feel the virus at work.. yikes!! But no fear because I am feeling confident enough that my incredible cold remedy will work its magic that I am posting day of, today .. and I will update tomorrow and the next day with how I am feeling. || Read more

Our brains are one of the most fascinating organs in our body! We can improve the health of our brains regardless of our age with healthy eating, exercise and our lifestyle choices. Our brain has an amazing quality to it – its neuroplasticicy, which allows the nerve cells in the brain to change their connections. The brain neurons will change and find new connections to adapt and function after an injury or disease. There are several ways to strengthen and keep your brain healthy. Here is a list for the top 10 keys to a superhero brain! || Read more

I love and drink blue solar water daily and I have been doing this for several years now. Every day here at our home we set out blue bottles filled with water and every evening when the sun has gone down we bring them in again. My mom & I both believe in, make and drink solar water regularly. It’s a routine and just a part of our life now. || Read more

Dry Skin Brushing is one of the most effective detox therapies. It’s easy, quick and doesn’t cost anything after the initial small investment of a skin brush. Get one with natural bristles; they are usually not expensive and easy to find, available in most health food and department stores. Skin brushing helps strengthen the immune system and to balance many systems in the body. It’s one of the best healthy habits to get into! || Read more

Meditation calms the mind. It turns your busy ‘On’ switch off and you enter into a more relaxed state where you can use your mind more consciously and productively or you can just let it rest and at both times be free of its background chattering. || Read more

It is very important to come off of your Cleanse slowly. If not, you risk undoing all the good you have just done for your body. After a cleanse you often feel so much better, lighter and with a lot of mental clarity. You will likely have more energy, clearer skin and better digestion. The benefits are abundant but you will want to continue feeling them long after the cleanse is done and for this reason it’s vitally important that you break your cleanse slowly. How you come off of a cleanse is almost as important as the cleanse itself. || Read more

Aromatherapy uses essential oils for the purpose of healing and altering ones feelings and state of being. Essential oils are the aromatic extracts of plants and flowers. Essentially they are the life force of the plant and each has a unique chemical composition that gives the oil its own individual properties enabling it to effectively treat a wide variety of conditions, such as headaches, nausea, insomnia, stress, muscular pains, depression and more. || Read more