Posts Tagged ‘therapies’

Affirmations are powerful positive words and statements that repeated over time, can change your perceptions and empower you to make more positive choices and decisions in your life. Our words are powerful and affect our daily life more than most of us realize. || Read more

Today’s project is how to make bath bombs. This easy bath bomb recipe is very easy to make at home. Bath bombs make great gifts and these are so much less expensive to make at home than to buy from a store. Also, when you get this basic recipe down and learn how to make bath bombs at home, then you can then add other fun colors, scents, sparkles, oils or whatever you like, to create a wonderfully sensual bath experience. Making bath bombs is a great project for kids too! || Read more

I am about to share what I think is the best hangover remedy recipe there is! Of course, the best remedy is not drinking, but I am talking about a really awesome, incredible, amazing, best hangover remedy recipe for that occasion when you went all out and now you need to recover fast. Surprisingly I have gotten asked a lot in emails about my views on drinking, and here I am going to share them with you. || Read more

Creative visualization is a technique using your imagination to create and visualize scenarios in the mind’s eye. By using visualization techniques, you create a mental picture of something and then focus on this image or scenario for periods of time. The main belief with creative visualization is that by changing ones thoughts and perceptions, you can change the outer world. Many successful, wealthy and influential people in the world believe that by visualizing specific behaviors or scenarios, you can change energy patterns to bring your goals and desires to you more quickly. || Read more

An epsom salt bath along with other therapy baths, such as mineral, mud and aromatherapy baths, are great to relieve stress and to relax in, but they have detoxification and healing properties too. Turn your bathroom into your own private home spa: run some hot water and light some candles, put on some soft music and relax and let your cares float away. Relaxing and comforting therapy baths can be rejuvenating and are as good for your health as they are for your soul. Make them a part of your regular routine. || Read more

Deep Breathing should be a part of our everyday life. It not only can lengthen the years that we get to live, but can make us happier, more productive and energetic living them too. Breathing deeply is a well-known stress reliever and has a multitude of health benefits as well. However, in our high stress busy lives, we often breathe very shallowly most of the time. But with a little effort, deep breathing can become an easy and unconscious part of our daily life. By making a conscious decision to focus on our breath for a part of each day, we can make it so that we regularly breathe deeper without having to think about it at all. || Read more

Ayahuasca journeying has had a deep effect on my perceptions and outlook of the world. I went through an ayahuasca period in my life a few years ago and I feel it is a story relevant to tell here as it deeply affected my spiritual health. There are a few times in my life when my perceptions and views on the way things are have been deeply shaken. When these core belief systems that framed my world were torn down I had to acknowledge that all I believed to be true and real in the world were not as I previously thought they were. It’s a surprising realization. || Read more