Posts Tagged ‘therapies’

I’ve been at the Lotus heart center just over 24 hours now. I arrived around midnight, it was dark and we had a vehicle filled with food. 3 fridges now packed! I am just getting oriented in the kitchen and around the place. It’s a little like a maze, a beautiful high vibe one, with sets of rooms off in different wings. It’s quite big, various sitting areas and there is a huge gorgeous yoga hall. || Read more

I’m posting a personal note today to tell you about my plans for February, and about the Lotus Heart Center. Last weekend I was all set to book a ‘business trip’ to Cuba with some friends. We had been talking about it for the past couple of weeks. It was all very exciting but then almost simultaneously the Universe seemed to change plans for most of us. || Read more

Ho’oponopono is one of my personal favorite and most used (inner and outer) healing techniques. I first heard of it from an article by Joe Vitale many years ago, which told a fascinating story about a Hawaiian psychologist, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Dr Hew Len worked in a prison for the criminally insane and made amazing transformations to the complete ward of inmates through the ancient Hawaiian healing technique of Ho’oponopono. || Read more

Hypnosis audios are used by many as they are an effective way to achieve your goals and dreams. With hypnosis audios you are put into a daydream-like state, alert but in a state where the external stimuli around you is tuned out so that you are very focused on the subject at hand. || Read more

I am fascinated lately by the idea of following your childhood dreams and finding your passion. Do you remember what your childhood dreams were? Before you had limitations and responsibilities put on you. When you were young the world was your oyster. You could do anything your heart and mind could dream up. How did you think you would like to live when you were older? What dreams and aspirations did you have? How did you envision yourself living the life of your dreams. || Read more

Subliminal audio is a strategy I have used for years and one that I believe really helped to empower my thinking, and made actually living a healthy life doable. Many of us know what we should be doing to achieve our highest well-being and richest life, but not all of us can put it into action. Many times this is because of our inner subconscious programming. || Read more

Subliminal audio messages can program your subconscious mind to make empowering, healthy and life enriching decisions in your day to day life. Listening to subliminal audios is an effective way to change your deepest internal thoughts that govern all of your actions. || Read more