Posts Tagged ‘Superfoods’

Chaga mushrooms have some really incredible health benefits, and drinking Chaga tea is a great way to get them. Come shopping with me for my favorite superfoods and have a cup of Chaga tea with me. You’ll see below how easy it is to make Chaga tea and check out many of the incredible benefits to your health and why it is one of the top superfoods available now. || Read more

Regardless of what life situation you find yourself in, it’s always a good plan to have a healthy homemade trail mix made up and ready to go. One part of eating healthy is having yourself covered whether you are on the run or if a hunger pang or snack craving hits. || Read more

I have some great strategies to share to really boost your brain power! Including a great list of the best herbs and foods for the brain, an awesome homemade brain tea that you can mix yourself to give you clarity and focus, boosting memory and mental sharpness. These also enhance your creativity and energy. Plus, exercises, tips and further strategies to enhance your genius brainpower. || Read more

Adaptogenic herbs are safe, non-toxic herbs that recharge the adrenal glands, helping you respond to stress. The top adaptogenic herbs can be taken safely as they are non-toxic. One of the main benefits of them is that not only do they work on the whole body, but they go to work where your body needs it the most. The top adaptogenic herbs will help you to reduce stress and gain energy. They also strengthen the immune system, || Read more

These top 10 superfoods represent the superstars of the plant world in terms of nutrition and healing properties. What makes a food a superfood? A food is considered to be a superfood if it has a broad or very high nutrient content, or if it has very special powerful healing or medicinal properties that are unique to this plant, rarely found in others. As such, these foods are the best foods to incorporate into your diet to heal yourself, and to look and feel your best. || Read more

This easy raw chocolate bark recipe came about as I decided that I want to make my own raw chocolate. I have been eating more dark chocolate than usual, because it’s easier to just buy it and being in a smaller city means it’s harder to find it raw and raw chocolate is really where it is at on a nutritional level. Raw cacao has off the chart nutritional properties, in my opinion it is one of the most powerful of the superfoods, but it only keeps it’s super powers when it is in it’s raw state. So I am on a quest to create an awesome chocolate bark recipe. || Read more

This cereal combination makes a great quick breakfast to make and have for when you are on the run. It is packed with superfoods and over flowing with nutrition. It’s quick, easy and you can eat it right out of the bottle. Mason jars are the great for transporting foods like this and you can drink out of them so you have your own water bottle with you for after! Try this combo one day when you are in a rush.. it will sustain you with energy, alertness and clarity and you will be glad you did. || Read more