Posts Tagged ‘sliders’
posted by Robin on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This workout is made up of 3 rounds and each is exactly the same with 4 minutes of intervals followed by 100 reps of High Knees Skipping, or just do High Knees if you can’t skip for any reason. The interval exercises are mostly done with sliders, which make the exercises really fun! ..and I feel confident they are just as effective as I can often feel them the next day. This may be because slightly different muscles are being engaged and used when performing the exercise, and that is what we are going for – diversity. A couple exercises are done with a medicine ball and you can use any other weighted object for these. The rounds are fast paced and the skipping boosts your heart rate, which is great for raising the metabolism and driving oxygen through the system. In my books this is always great. Do the 3 rounds back to back as fast as you can. || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This metabolism booster workout is 8 minutes of interval training. It consists of 8 exercises and each of these uses sliders. I used furniture sliders and I will post links and suggestions to different options below. This is a great new way to change up the exercises and use different muscles. You will use more stabilizing and core muscles to keep your foot on the slider and control the slide on top of performing the exercise. || Read more