Posts Tagged ‘sandbag’

This fun new action packed sandbag workout combines fun burpee time challenge rounds with HIIT interval rounds. The burpee rounds are short, taking only a couple minutes to complete each one, and are fun once you get the hang of the movements. || Read more

This cardio ab workout gets your heart pumping with lots of skipping, and yes, although I love skipping, you can alternate for another form of cardio, like mountain climbers, high knees or jumping jacks. This is a 3 part workout. The first part is the cardio part. The second part is HIIT intervals with dynamic jumping, burpeeing and sandbag exercises, for even more cardio. The third part is also HIIT training intervals with 3 Swiss ball ab exercises. Each part takes about 3 minutes and they get rotated and done 3 times each. || Read more

This sandbag workout is a leg workout, but the truth is that I am not only feeling it m the legs, and that’s glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves! but also my arms and shoulders. I have a serious need to really stretch it out today. This sneaky sandbag workout got me more than I anticipated, which is great! It has 2 parts. The first is a time challenge and an awesome sequence of exercises combining cardio, jumping around, the sandbag and burpees. Who could ask for more? This is followed up with a second part of HIIT training, 10 minutes of all sandbag exercises. || Read more

This 15 minute interval workout has 6 exercises, most are done with a sandbag and half of them, every second exercise, is a squat based exercise. There are some great variations to change it up and they are intermixed with ab and core strengthening and tightening exercises, so again we are hitting legs, butt and abs. High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are known and proven to burn fat, improve endurance and build strength simultaneously. || Read more

This burpee workout is a time challenge and is done in a pyramid style with 10 reps done of 4 exercises for the first round and then for each subsequent round you do one less rep of each until you get to the 10th round in which you do just one rep of each exercise. This workout is great for strengthening and toning the full body, as burpees are the best full body exercise I know of, but this is especially good for the abs and core with the last 2 exercises directly targeting those. Adding some weight with the sandbag intensifies the action and effect. Tighten your abs as you do the sit ups and leg raises to get the most out of these.

This workout is a long one but a good one! It has lots of cardio built into it and will work on mostly lower body (legs, butt) and abs. For this one I did 3 rounds of the 2 parts. The first part is a time challenge that took me just over 3 minutes for each round and the second part is interval training rotating 3 awesome sandbag exercises and it is almost 7 minutes. So doing one round of the 2 parts will take about 10 minutes. My initial intention was to do 4 rounds of this, but as I was expecting company and was already at my time limit (was giving myself 30 minutes) I changed it to 3 rounds. So, that being said.. if you are up for the 4 rounds go for it! ..and conversely if you feel like doing 2 or even one round of this – great. Do whatever it takes to get yourself up and moving! ..but however you do it, push yourself while you are in the ring and do your best. You will feel great about yourself after! || Read more

This 4 part workout packs a lot into just 14 minutes. It has two 4 minute tabata intervals, which are the same for the second and fouth parts. The first part is as many Walk out Dive Bombers as you can do in 3 minutes, so a real challenge. I loved that I did them all properly. When I started doing these workouts I found dive bombers one of the hardest exercises and so feel great now doing them! I hope you enjoy them too. If you find them challenging you can modify by doing them from your knees. The 3rd part is a time challenge to do 50 sandbag sit ups as fast as you can. here is lots of action going on in this one and it feels like real super hero training time! ..and you will feel like a super hero afterwards! || Read more