Posts Tagged ‘recipes’

This rich and silky smooth white sauce is a raw vegan version of the classic Alfredo. It is delicious on zucchini noodles or used as a sauce on sandwiches, salads and just about anything. It can be blended with other sauces, such as Pesto to make it thicker or with Marinara to make a rich Rose sauce. Try mixing a little with your favorite salad dressing to change it up and make it extra creamy. It’s a diversified sauce which is great to have on hand and delicious on just about anything. || Read more

This raw fruit and nut cereal is a wonderful mixture from the bounty of Mother Nature. The ingredients in this recipe have been tested and taste delicious together but this is a recipe that you can really have fun with and change up. Use fruits that are in season or local and easily accessible to you. Or you can make it tropical by adding or substituting mango and pineapple and using macadamia and cashew nuts. You can add cacao nibs or blueberries; the variations are endless, but use this recipe as a base as this combination together tastes fantastic! || Read more

This is my favorite smoothie! This was created for wild little chocolate-crazy monkeys. The ChocoMonkey is ultra smooth and creamy chocolate goodness at its best! And not only is it delicious, but it is a real superfood treat! Cacao is loaded with feel good and nutritional properties. It has one of the highest ratings of any food on the planet for antioxidants and is loaded with a variety of minerals. It is especially high magnesium, a vital mineral which most people are very deficient in. This smoothie is bursting with flavor and nutrition. || Read more

This is one of my favorite salad dressings and it has a lot of soul and history. This was the house dressing used at Toronto Sprouts. It was the only salad dressing we usually had and one that was loved by all. I think Marie, Sprout Mama, first created it and others of us in the kitchen helped with its evolution. It probably evolved and changed until the recipe was finally written down by me. Until that point the recipe was passed down as an oral tradition: “Put in a handful of dates, a pinch of this, smigeon of that, squeeze a couple lemons and fill it up with water to about here and blend, now taste and adjust..” was how it used to go.. as did many of the recipes in that kitchen. But I made lots of notes and now thankfully tradition is saved. ; ) And Thank you Marie for those wonderful soulful kitchen experiences!! || Read more

Balsamic vinaigrette is a delicious easy to make recipe filled with healthy nutritious ingredients that you can feel good about using when you add it to your salads. his recipe is even my light version in which I add water to extend it. You will not even realize once it is emulsified with the Dijon. It is still creamy and rich flavored with garlic, seasonings and just a touch of maple syrup. || Read more

Mango is one of my favorite fruits and so it makes sense that I would need to have a really good mango salad recipe. I do & I am happy to share it with you! This lively colourful salad is sweet and slightly spicy and sour. The flavors are balanced and combine into an overall delicious taste that wakens up the tastebuds as well as the eyes. It makes a great side dish or wonderful to eat just on it’s own! || Read more

Squash always reminds me of Thanksgiving and fall – harvest time. It’s real comfort food for me! ..and I am happy to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with just this and a big leaf salad and whatever other vegetables happen to be around. Also, I have turned a couple people on to actually liking squash, who previously didn’t, with this recipe and so I think it’s a winner! || Read more