Posts Tagged ‘recipes’

Young Thai Coconuts have an incredible soft, very subtle and light tasting meat inside of them. The coconut meat makes a great base for many raw foods dishes as there is very little taste and the meat adapts to and blends well with (or is hidden under) many different flavors. It can be used in a diverse array of dishes from various types of cuisines. You can cut the meat in strips to use alone as noodles or blend the meat with other ingredients or water to make a smooth creamy base for sauces and soups. I like to eat the meat as is straight from the coconut, just spoon out and eat. The water is pretty awesome too and is the highest natural source of electrolytes. Coconut meat is filled with nutrients and the good fats contained in it are great for weight loss! || Read more

These brownies are not cooked. They are very easy to make and made with only a few ingredients. They are abundantly healthful and most importantly they are a decadent rich and very delicious brownie. I have had many people tell me they didn’t realize until I told them they were raw that they were not a cooked brownie. They seem like one of those dense flour-less, or cooked low flour versions. Brownies are one of my favorite desserts and I think that these brownies measure up to even the best of any I’ve tasted. || Read more

These veggie chips are a great substitute for the more commonly found deep fried potato chips. These are salty, crispy and can also be spiced as desired for different flavors. I find them just as flavorful and satisfying but with a great bonus. They are actually good for you. Dehydrating keeps in the vital enzymes as well as nutrients and there are no unhealthy fats in these. Only a little olive oil is used and it is kept at low temperatures so is stays in a beneficial state for the body. My experience is that these go fast, so make lots! || Read more

To make sushi the raw foods way the main thing that you need is a substitution for the rice and here are a few good options available for you to choose from. A few of the most popular ways to do this are making and using parsnip rice (I will show you this in an upcoming post), sprouted quinoa or by using sprouts. I will show you those last two options in this post. These are the most abundantly nutritious, life enhancing and delicious nori rolls ever! || Read more

This marinade is really easy and it is the spice combination in it that makes it so delicious. The cardamom, cumin, garlic and black pepper combo work together really well. It is a little exotic and different and when they are blended together the spices can be hard to differentiate, to pick out what they are individually to someone who doesn’t know. These are great in nori rolls, on pizza, sandwiches, salads or just eaten by themselves. I always have a hard time not eating them all before I want to use them and for this reason always make extra. || Read more

Every weekend Mom and I make a big pot of soup together. It’s part of getting Mom back into and comfortable cooking and working in the kitchen again.. so it’s kind of a therapy thing. But cooking is a great bonding activity to do together so it is nourishing in different ways and has multiple benefits. Mom sometimes tends to lean towards comfort foods these days and this is one of those recipes. I would have left out the potatoes and substituted other vegetables and you can do that if you like. That’s the beauty of soups, they are very adaptable. This recipe is a real comfort soup, but still very healthy, vegan and it is delicious! Perfect for these cooler fall days! || Read more

Collard leaves make a great base for wraps. They are big and flexible, strong enough to hold lots of fillings together and do not have a strong taste. I would rather eat a big green leaf any day than a carb-loaded flour based tortilla. The nutrition skyrockets in comparison and after you try this you will see how delicious it is, as well as how clean and energetic you feel after eating it, as opposed to heavy and bloated. My favorite filling is a nutmeat patty and lots of great toppings. The taco wrap version is one of my favorites and here I will show you exactly how to make it. || Read more