Posts Tagged ‘recipes’

This kale chips recipe gave me a new kale chips flavor to love. Dill pickle is my new favorite kale chip flavor! Why did I not think of this before? Dill pickle has never been my favorite flavor for chips or anything before. I like dill pickles and love to put them in my burger wraps (raw burger wrapped in a leaf, a favorite Mmm), but I would never have said before that it was a favorite flavor. Well, it is now. || Read more

This delicious quinoa porridge recipe is a comfort food and a hot quinoa breakfast cereal that is high in protein, nutritious and tastes great. Apples and cinnamon flavor this quinoa cereal and they are left raw for added nutrition and enzymes. The crunch of the apple cubes mixed with the soft hot cereal works really well together for a great texture, on top of an amazingly delicious flavor. || Read more

These cauliflower steaks were a real hit at dinner. In fact this was one of my favorite recipes from a recipe testing session I had recently. This is a raw food recipe and the cauliflower steaks were softened by dehydrating for three hours. This gives them a wonderful texture and even the cooked foodists among us loved them made this way. However, if you don’t have a dehydrator, they can be made by baking in the oven as well. || Read more

This cashew cream recipe makes a whipped thick sweet cream that is vegan and very versatile. Adding a little of this can make your raw desserts even more special. It makes a delectable topping for many desserts, can be used in a filling for a crepe-like raw wrap or in a parfait, as I made here recently. This cashew cream recipe is a great one to have in your repertoire as it is so quick and easy to make. It will enable you to whip up a delicious, luscious dessert with minimal time and effort. || Read more

This Southern Greens recipe provides a a new way to get greens into your diet. Leafy greens are one of the best foods you can eat for your health and healing the body. They are rejuvenating, balance your hormones and make you feel and look great. The problem is getting enough in our diet. So I am always open to and looking for ways to get more. || Read more

This quinoa cakes recipe came about from just seeing a title on a magazine. I googled the recipe when home, but the one I found had lots of ingredients I didn’t want. I was in a mood for something fried. It happens sometimes, not so often, but this presented a challenge, to combine really healthy ingredients, vegan and fried into something really delicious and as healthy as possible. Based on that, especially the delicious part, this was a big success. || Read more

This herbed couscous recipe is a raw food recipe that has no grain in it. Cauliflower couscous is very easy to make, and so nutritious! Cauliflower floretes are simply processed to resemble couscous. I have lots of photos, so I can virtually bring you into the kitchen with me to show you just how to do it. Then the couscous is flavored with herbs and pine nuts and spices for a wonderful savory taste. || Read more