Posts Tagged ‘raw’

This delicious salad recipe is a delight to the senses with it’s contrasting and enhancing flavors. Sweet pineapple calms the slightly bitter radicchio. Basil and cilantro liven up apple and carrot. Colors explode and delight the eyes, like a painting on canvas. Vibrant, crisp, fresh, colors, textures and flavors pop and add life and excitement to your plate. This is a great off-the-beaten-track exotic dish that is wonderful to share with people you love! || Read more

I just turned 50 and to celebrate I made a raw recipes ebook to share with my newsletter subscribers. I really appreciate you joining me on this high vibe journey to vibrant health and well being. So to celebrate I created an ebook putting together 20 of my favorite, quick and easy to make, raw recipes. || Read more

Winter is on its way and I have been asked frequently for suggestions on how to stay raw in the winter. Eating raw food in the winter is definitely a little more challenging than in the summer and I feel like I have this one down. I have helped others and I myself have stayed 100% raw through many Canadian winters and so, I have some great tips and strategies to share. || Read more

The left over pulp from juicing is an excellent ingredient to use to make crackers. This juice pulp cracker recipe is made with a base of flax, seeds and juice pulp and has lots of herbs and onion to flavor it. These crackers are not only delicious but the texture is great as well. They are crisp, yet light and they break easily and have a good crunch to them. || Read more

This creamy kohlrabi salad recipe is a wonderful blend of crisp, creamy, light, yet rich and sweet. yet abundant in vegetables. It makes a perfect side dish to many meals, and wonderful to bring for a pot luck. I love to change up meals with different side salads. This delicious salad is similar to coleslaw, but presents a wonderful change in flavor and texture. || Read more

This stuffed mushroom caps recipe is a raw recipe and the stuffed mushroom caps are dehydrated to soften them. However, these can also be cooked in the oven, if you don’t have a dehydrator. The savory mushroom pate is a delicious pate on it’s own, but I love it in these stuffed mushroom caps. Dehydrating will leave you with vital enzymes, which is always great. But these tasty stuffed mushroom caps will taste truly delicious prepared either way! || Read more

This bacon salt recipe is a healthy version of this new popular seasoning salt. When I heard of bacon salt I thought not a bad idea. It’s a great flavorful way to get a smoky salty taste without needing to eat meat, or extra fat. However, the bacon salt commercially made I found out is loaded with artificial flavors, colors and chemicals most of us really do not want to eat. This motivated me to create a more healthy version, || Read more