Posts Tagged ‘raw’

These multi seed crackers are incredibly healthy, filled with lots of abundantly nutritious seeds and vegetables. They are vibrant and beautiful with their black sesame seeds and red tomato flecks and most importantly – They are delicious! This crunchy cracker tastes wonderful on it’s own or makes a great base for raw cheeses and spreads. || Read more

This delicious, rich and flavorful basil spinach pesto sauce is so easy to make. For even more flavor and when in season, you can use more basil in this recipe. || Read more

The classic Tomato Marinara Sauce Recipe is such a classic one and as a base recipe, it is so important to have a good recipe for this. I love this recipe and sharing it kind of feels kind of like handing down your grandmother’s secret recipe. || Read more

The Rawkalicious Cookie recipe is a wonderful amalgamation of superfood ingredients, filled with goji berries, hemp seeds, cacao, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and more. These cookies are raw and dehydrated, which keeps all the vital nutrients and enzymes intact and at full force. || Read more

Kale chips are a low calorie, very nutritious and most importantly – delicious – crunchy, salty, spicy snack. || Read more

The 5 Day Green Cleanse is chlorophyll based and made up primarily of green juices, smoothies and soups. These juiced and blended greens allow the body to access their nutrients almost immediately and are much easier to digest than when they are in their leaf form and therefore much easier on the digestive system allowing the body to focus on its next most important job, detoxing

Drinking Green Smoothies is one of the best ways to get green leafy vegetables into your body! For optimum health, we want to get as many greens as possible into our bodies because greens are loaded with an abundance of important vital nutrients and filled with chlorophyll, which drives oxygen into our system and cleans our blood and therefore our tissues, organs and all of us as well. If you want to drive away disease, be flexible, limber and feel great – You want to eat your greens! || Read more