Posts Tagged ‘raw’

This delicious granola recipe is not only bursting with flavor but also one of the healthiest granolas around. The nuts and seeds are made into what is considered living food, by soaking them first and then drying them at a low temperature. I have included some variations with some of my favorite ways of making this. Follow me through this as I take you on a delicious journey making raw granola! || Read more

This apple pie is as delicious as Grandma’s but comes with added benefits. It has living enzymes and is bursting with flavor and nutrition. We have replicated the soft apple texture of the pie filling and set it into a delicious coconut seed crust. You will be amazed at how similar this tastes to the cooked version. It is still sweet and decadent but also with a pure clean taste. If you like apple pie, you will love this! || Read more

This raw lasagna recipe is absolutely fantastic and I am going to take you through exactly how to make it with pictures and a video description so that you can clearly see and understand how to put this together. The lasagna noodles are made with zucchini and the texture is very similar to pasta. This is a real favorite, everyone loves it, and this is how it is made. || Read more

Chia is one of my favorite seeds. It has barely any taste and so it is easy to add it into many recipes. It is one of those ingredients that you add more for it’s texture and consistency than for its flavor. Chia swells up and creates a gel around it when it is in liquid. This gel binds foods really well, in a similar way that eggs do, and so for creating vegan and raw recipes it’s really functional. The big bonus with eating chia is that it is abundantly nutritious and has a large list of benefits. It has so many benefits that it is hard to choose which are the most important, but I created a list of 10 of what I think are the biggest benefits of eating this wonderful superfood. Once you realize how amazing this little seed is you will want to eat it every day! I do. || Read more

These raw sweet toppings are abundantly nutritious and filled with living enzymes. Enzymes are the catalyst of every metabolic process and our bodies use them for every single action we make. From our conscious actions right down to our hearts beating, we are using enzymes and so we want lots, especially as many of us deplete our bodies limited store of them far too soon. || Read more

This recipe combines 2 great concepts! It has a pumpkin pie filling flavor and the superfood nutritional qualities of chia pudding. It doesn’t take much of this to make you feel full either, because of the fill you up quickly quality of chia seeds. Chia expands 9 times it’s size which makes it a dieters dream, especially as it can keep you feeling full for hours. Most importantly, this recipe is delicious. If you love pumpkin pie, and are health or weight conscious, you have to try this! || Read more

This is a favorite broccoli dish that I have made quite often. Although it is raw if it is left to sit for a few hours the broccoli will wilt a bit and this is one of those dishes that is actually better the next day. Whenever I make it I usually make lots and so can eat it over the next few days. || Read more