Posts Tagged ‘pull ups’

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

For this workout we are changing it up and doing lots of box jumps. We have 3 tabata rounds which each alternate between 2 exercises and is mostly focused on upper body. There are pull ups, push ups and burpees partnered with lots of jumping. You will need a sturdy raised surface for this workout. I am using an exercise step with risers so the height can be adjusted and this works great, but a wooden box or bench will work also, just make sure it is strong and sturdy.  This dynamic and fun workout will keep you moving and make the time go fast too!

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posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This 12 minute interval based workout is a flow between 6 exercises, each of which you do 3 times. This workout has, and starts with, pull ups. It is a tough exercise but one that builds great upper body strength, especially working the lat muscles to give you that V shape which emphasises your waist. & Hey, they are just a cool exercise and it is awesome to be able to do them! They take care of the 1st interval, get them out of the way and then move onto the next 5 fun -let’s move that body – dynamic exercises. Lots of great variety here. So, let’s get that heart pumping and do this!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

I really loved this workout and hope that you do too.  I found that I really got a lot out of the pull ups by spacing them out between the squats and so I could do more than usual. The exercises are well broken up to give you enough recovery to do the next set strong. This workout contains 30 burpees, 30 pull ups and lots of squats! Let’s do this!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

Pulling a Fast One Workout

Pull ups work the latissimus dorsi, which is the largest muscle in your upper body and having great lats gives you a fantastic triangle shape and makes your waist look smaller. So for both looks and to build functional, useful, day to day strength we definitely want to work this part of our body.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

I am on a pull up kick this week and this pull up workout is great when you are having an urge to practice your pull ups. It is made up of 5 reps of pull ups interspersed with 20 reps of different bodyweight exercises. I can only do a few pull ups at a time now, and the recovery of doing other exercises gives just enough of a break to be able to do them again. Even so, my pull ups were steadily going downhill throughout the workout, especially after the push ups! ..and I am feeling it today, in a good way, especially in the lats. I love building those, gives a great shape to the body! ; )

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posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

We’re working on pull ups today. The pull up bar is out!! It’s been awhile since I have done any pull ups and so this one is a tough one for me. But I am on it! Pull ups are great for upper body strength and for developing your lats, the upper-side back muscles that give you a great shape! Also it gives you a sense of power to be able to lift yourself up, and it’s a great survival skill if you ever find yourself dangling off a building or cliff.  || Read more