Posts Tagged ‘over 15 min’

It’s back to burpees with this burpee business workout. I was feeling a need to get lots of burpees out and so picked out 8 different ones, most being some of my favorite burpees. The one leg burpees are the toughest one for me and so put it first to get it out of the way. I want to practice doing lots of these so I get good at them and love them too. I put in one round of burpees without push ups but it is actually harder to do them without when you get used to always putting a push up in, and it’s kind of sad that they don’t get one. They seem a little deprived. Ok, give them push ups if you want to. ; ) || Read more

Doing different reps of exercises in interesting combinations make a workout go by fast. Your mind is kept so busy thinking of what to do next and you can easily lose track of time so that before you know it, you are done. This workout took me almost 22 minutes to complete. It is made up of 2 parts. The burpee part – 4 reps of each of 3 different types of burpees – is done 3 times: before, in between, and after the interval parts. Lots of core and ab exercises in this one! || Read more

This workout is brutal! It took me over half an hour, 31:24 to be exact. So it’s a long one, but fun.. and it changes up a lot to keep your mind active. It has 9 parts!! || Read more

This Skipping School Workout has 1000 skips done in 10 rounds of 100 reps. It has lots of dynamic and fun exercises interspersed between the rounds which makes it go by fast. As your mind keeps track of the different exercises being done, it is preoccupied and before you know it sweaty dripping mess on a great little endorphin high! It’s great!! || Read more

Lots of skipping here – 300 reps before, during and after, so 900 total!! ..and yes, go ahead and do your favorite cardio if skipping isn’t your thing or you can’t in your environment: high knees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, a run.. all good! I love some of the exercises in this one, esp Thigh & Fly, Skater exercises, T Burpees, One Arm Lift, lots of good ones – a dynamic and fun mix up to make time fly by! || Read more

This was the fastest moving 100 burpee workout yet! I found the time to go by quickly and was finished in no time. || Read more

This workout is comprised of just 2 exercises: burpees and skipping, and so is cardio intensive. Its a 2 part workout and a time challenge, but you can take as long of a break between the 2 parts as you like. || Read more