Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

You can intentionally raise your vibration to achieve vibrant health and to live a more energetic, full and longer life. There are so many benefits to living a high vibe feel-great life. Read on for why you should raise your vibration and check out the tips to see if there are any ways you can raise your vibration even higher! || Read more

Be successful and make your resolutions stick this year. It’s a known fact that most New Years resolutions fall to the wayside by Valentines day. But with these few easy tips you can stick to your resolutions and more easily change your lifestyle habits. || Read more

I love To Do lists and make them almost every day. I can definitely say that on the days when I am being most productive, I am following a To Do list. There are many benefits of To Do lists, from helping you prioritize your time to helping you remember what it is you meant to do! For me, to do lists are absolutely invaluable. It’s a very simple strategy that works great! || Read more

Affirmations are powerful positive words and statements that repeated over time, can change your perceptions and empower you to make more positive choices and decisions in your life. Our words are powerful and affect our daily life more than most of us realize. || Read more

Enjoy some interior design inspiration for your daydream home. Here is a large collection of some awesome creative and beautiful home interiors. Our environment is important and plays a role in our overall health. What does your ideal home look like? || Read more

Good Morning and Happy Sunday to you! I have been thinking about putting together a newsletter lately and something a lot more personal that this image above! I have been racking my brains thinking how I want it and searching on how to do it. I will admit it has been challenging my new-found tekie skilled brain! But I will conquer it and figure this out and have a newsletter up and running soon. || Read more

Creative visualization is a technique using your imagination to create and visualize scenarios in the mind’s eye. By using visualization techniques, you create a mental picture of something and then focus on this image or scenario for periods of time. The main belief with creative visualization is that by changing ones thoughts and perceptions, you can change the outer world. Many successful, wealthy and influential people in the world believe that by visualizing specific behaviors or scenarios, you can change energy patterns to bring your goals and desires to you more quickly. || Read more