Posts Tagged ‘home’

Our crazy garden has gone wild and admittedly, I could use a little more expertise in this area. Mom is more of the vegetable gardener in the family. I stuck more to flowers in my previous gardening experiences, only dabbling in vegetables for a few summers when my kids were young. I even made bean vine-covered teepees for them, which were really quite awesome! But anyway, I have tried to carry on with mom’s garden as best as I can. I will admit, however, that I could use a little help! I’ll share some photos of our awesome but crazy garden below. || Read more

Mom and I took a wonderful walk around Jones Lake together and I decided to bring my camera to take photos of it. Jones Lake is a man-made lake in the middle of our city, Moncton, and our house is almost right on it. We can see over to the lake from the front windows of our house. I grew up on this lake, and it holds lots of wonderful memories. My parents used to walk hand in hand around this lake so many evenings. It’s really special to mom too. || Read more

Mom and I are pretty enthused about, and love, our little garden plot. Gardening is so therapeutic and wonderful for mom. She has always loved gardening and we used to have quite a large vegetable garden at our summer home growing up, so now it’s great for not only wonderful nutrition but for post-stroke therapy as well. I enjoyed taking photos of the evolution of our little vegetable garden plot out back. || Read more

I have so much on my mind these days. In the old days I wrote my Rawketscience blog which was quite different than this one. It had lots of high vibe tips and thoughts on life, as I cruised through it living the superfood raw lifestyle. There was some info and recipes but it was a bit of a jumble, totally unorganized and I felt lots of important information, especially recipes, got lost amidst the art, videos and random thoughts. || Read more

Enjoy some interior design inspiration for your daydream home. Here is a large collection of some awesome creative and beautiful home interiors. Our environment is important and plays a role in our overall health. What does your ideal home look like? || Read more

We took mom out to the Beaman’s Sugar Shack last weekend and it was a great trip. It brought back memories of when I was young. My parents often brought me in the spring to the Beaman’s sugar camp. The camp is what they actually call it. There are lots of sugar shacks, or camps, around here just outside of the city and some people are quite loyal, have their favorite maple provider and buy from the same family each year. || Read more

Good Morning and Happy Sunday to you! I have been thinking about putting together a newsletter lately and something a lot more personal that this image above! I have been racking my brains thinking how I want it and searching on how to do it. I will admit it has been challenging my new-found tekie skilled brain! But I will conquer it and figure this out and have a newsletter up and running soon. || Read more