Posts Tagged ‘green’

The main goal of this 30 day juice challenge is to juice every day. To get into the habit of juicing more, bring out the juicer and re-establish its rightful place in the kitchen. A month of consuming intense, dense pure nutrients, to re-energize, re-vitalize and heal anything that needs it inside our bodies. Think of this as an intense tune up and oil change! Your motor will be purring smoothly and you will be stronger, faster, happier, more optimized and enthusiastic to live a better life. || Read more

This kale chips recipe gave me a new kale chips flavor to love. Dill pickle is my new favorite kale chip flavor! Why did I not think of this before? Dill pickle has never been my favorite flavor for chips or anything before. I like dill pickles and love to put them in my burger wraps (raw burger wrapped in a leaf, a favorite Mmm), but I would never have said before that it was a favorite flavor. Well, it is now. || Read more

This Southern Greens recipe provides a a new way to get greens into your diet. Leafy greens are one of the best foods you can eat for your health and healing the body. They are rejuvenating, balance your hormones and make you feel and look great. The problem is getting enough in our diet. So I am always open to and looking for ways to get more. || Read more

This 2 day green cleanse detox is an ideal detox cleanse for a weekend, or for any time you have 2 days free. You could work while doing this green cleanse, as the green juices and foods will give you lots of energy. However, it is always more effective when doing any type of detox or cleanse to relax. By not expending energy doing physical work, your body will devote more energy to the detoxification process. || Read more

We are onto Day 2 of the Green Cleanse Detox plan. Congratulations on making an effort and taking a big step at boosting your health level by detoxifying the body. This cleanse not only detoxifies, but is also very nourishing to your body. You may feel tired from the body’s big detox process or more energetic from the influx of nutrients and chlorophyll. Each person will feel a little differently depending on many background circumstances. Listen carefully to your body. How are you feeling today? Tired? Refreshed? Take it easy and only do any activities suggested that you feel like doing. Do only what feels right to you.
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This Blended Salad Soup Recipe is new way to change up how you get your greens and it is surprisingly refreshing and delicious way to do it. I will admit that I was turned off at first with the idea of blending my salad, but only until I tried it. What a surprise! So I know and agree, that a salad soup may sound really strange, but give it a try and you may be surprised also to find that this super easy way to get greens actually tastes fantastic! || Read more

I love a good traditional tabouli salad, made with parsley, mint and bulgur, which is made from wheat. However, I love my own home made tabouli, made with parsley, cilantro, avocado and hemp seeds, so much more. This tabouli recipe is packed with superfoods, and whenever you can pack more superfoods in and have something taste even better – I’m all in for that! I know, I know a lot of you don’t like cilantro. I used to feel the same, but have turned around on that, and this recipe just may make you feel the same. To me this is a recipe that it really works in, so much so that this has become a favorite salad. On top of that, cilantro is very much a superfood with some really unique health properties, like drawing heavy metals out of the body among many others. So I encourage you to give this super nutritious version of tabouli a try. You may become a convert too!