Posts Tagged ‘food inspiration’

This sandbag workout is a HIIT workout with 16 minutes of intervals. It is filled with new and favorite sandbag exercises. I have a new favorite sandbag exercise: the diagonal clean and press with 3 lateral hops. It is the first exercise and it gets repeated for the fourth interval as well. Jumping exercises are really effective for rebooting your body and getting your metabolism working like it did when you were a kid. || Read more

I probably should call this a pot luck party as it kind of was and most people brought food, but I was told just to come and as I was running all over town and then just brought there, I just went with it and showed up. It’s the first time not taking a dish to Fatma’s for a party, but I knew she would over prepare as she always does! Fatma makes wonderful food and I want to share some of the dishes she made. I took pics when I first got there mainly of her creations, but there was more food that came after also..and desserts like Live’s lemon cheesecake Mmm! and a coconut mint chia pudding (also made by Fatma). I LOVE raw pot lucks! || Read more