Posts Tagged ‘food inspiration’

One of the often overlooked foods that can make a huge impact on your health is the salad dressings that you use. It’s so easy to blend up a bottle of homemade dressing. Really, you just add ingredients to a blender and blend. But it’s also easy to just pick up a pre-made bottle off the shelf and convince yourself that a little dressing won’t hurt you. Most people do it. The problem is that store bought salad dressings can be the worse culprits in bringing your health down. Some of the most unhealthy ingredients can be found in those little plastic bottles that line our store shelves. || Read more

I hope to share some new meal ideas with you through the menu plan that I made up and followed for the recent Padmani Yoga retreat, hosted by YuMee Chung at the Lotus Heart Center. YuMee and the yoga teachers that she had gathered were a beautiful, heart centered, high vibe group of people and it was a joy to be making food for them. Check out more about YuMee and Jivamukti Yoga below, then come check out what was happening in the kitchen during her technical training intensive retreat. || Read more

I’m home and going over photos again. Here is the last set of healthy food inspiration to share with you from the Lotus Heart Center kitchen.

I’ve left my camera in Toronto, so I’m getting used to taking photos with my ipad, which probably is better anyway, but another adjustment. So I have to keep reminding myself to take them. I’m still catching up sharing photos with you anyway of what’s been going on here in the kitchen. || Read more

I’m spending 2 days in the city of Toronto getting revitalized for the next 10 days at Lotus Heart. I still have some pics to share from the last week, but want to share a few recent ones now from my break. || Read more

I have some more photos uploaded to share from the Lotus Heart Center in Brighton, Ontario. I am on a small break for a couple days in Toronto right now, in between the two 10 day retreats and I’m just going through photos to share, especially ones of the food and from the kitchen, where I have been spending most of my time. || Read more

We are into an awesome groove in the kitchen right now and havng lot of fun. I think it’s coming out in the food. It’s going over great. Last night was Mexican night and one woman told me ‘this fajita may be the best one she’s ever had in her life.” That made my night and a man from Mexico loved them too. yay!! || Read more