Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

One Leg Dumbbell Cross Crunch – Lay on mat with hands close to ground bent holding dumbbells close to shoulders. Bring one leg up to a 90 degree angle with bring opposite hand with dumbbell across body and out just past or beside outside of knee of raised leg, then bring arm back and leg back down. Raise leg on opposite side and repeat movements with opposite arm, bringing dumbbell on other side out past knee of raised leg. Continue repeating these movements and alternating sides for each rep. || Read more

Leg Lift, Butt Lift – Lie on back flat on mat, bring both legs up together to 90 degree angle and then lift butt off ground using lower abs. Lower legs back down to ground and repeat. || Read more

Russian Twist with Dumbbell – Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding dumbbell close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements. Twist torso to opposite side bringing dumbbell to opposite hip near ground. Continue twisting torso and bringing dumbbell down to alternating sides. Each touch down with dumbbell is one rep. || Read more

Crossed Arm Crunches – Lying on mat bend knees and legs up, feet on ground, cross arms and bring hands to their opposite side shoulders. Holding arms in this position, crunch torso up and back down tensing and using your abdominal muscles. || Read more

Sit Up with Medicine ball – Lying on mat with legs and knees bent, feet on ground, hold a medicine ball in hands above your head close to ground, then sit up and bring ball forward and touch ball to the ground between your feet. Then reverse movements back to start position. This is one rep. || Read more

One Leg Suitcase Crunch with Medicine ball – Lie flat on mat or ground with legs straight on floor and arms behind head holding onto Medicine ball, bring one knee in to chest while raising torso, crunching abs and bringing the medicine ball over knee towards feet, then reverse movements bringing leg back to ground and medicine ball back overhead. Continue these movements alternating legs for each rep. || Read more

Side Double Crunch with Medicine ball – Laying on ground and holding medicine ball at navel area, crunch up torso and bring legs and knees into center while twisting and bringing medicine ball out to one side of knees, release movements bringing legs back out and medicine ball back to navel and then repeat movements but twist body to the other side and bring medicine ball to the other side of your knees, release again and continue these movement switching sides for each rep. || Read more