Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

Breakdance Push up – Start in crab position and turn over to right side lifting your right hand and bringing your right arm overhead and down to ground while lifting your left leg and bringing it underneath body, do not touch ground with foot but keep it raised high and while still raised do a push up. Next reverse the movement going back to crab position and repeat in the same manner on the left side, lifting the opposite hand and leg. || Read more

Sandbag Sit ups – Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding sandbag overhead, sit up while raising sandbag up as high as you can, then lie back bringing sandbag back overhead. This is one rep. || Read more

Side Lunge Clean to Forward Lunge Clean with Sandbag– Start at standing position with sandbag on ground in front of you. Bend over grabbing the 2 horizontal handles of sandbag, lift it up to hip level and roll onto the backs of your hands (clean). Take a step out to the side and do a side lunge and roll sandbag back down to ground just in front of the foot that you have stepped out with. Roll sandbag back up onto back of hands and step back in to start position. For the next rep step out in front with the same leg that had just stepped out to the side and do a forward lunge on that leg, roll sandbag down to ground in front of the foot that is forward, then roll sandbag back up onto back of hands and step back in to start position. || Read more

Clean and Squat with Sandbag – Standing straight with sandbag on floor just in front of you, bend over and pick up by the 2 side by side handles going lengthwise, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and then hold it close to body and do a deep squat, then uncurl sandbag and bring it down to ground returning it to start position. This is one rep. || Read more

Diagonal Clean and Press with Sandbag – Standing straight with sandbag on floor at your side, beside your left foot, bend over and pick up by the 2 side by side handles going lengthwise, twist body so sandbag s in front of you and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and then turning to the right side straighten arms and press sandbag up towards the ceiling. Reverse these movements bringing sandbag back to start position back to start position. Continue doing reps of this exercise until interval time is up. For right to left, switch sides and start with sandbag beside right foot , bring up to center, flip (clean) onto backs of hands at center and twist body to left side while pressing sandbag up to ceiling. || Read more

Leg Raise and Touch Back, Up and Back with Swiss ball – Lie flat on back, with arms at your side and Swiss ball held between feet, lift legs up and bending at hips bring ball, still held between feet, back to touch the ground behind your head, lift up lower torso and bum, raising ball up high and touch ball down to ground behind head again and then bring ball back to start position. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as you can in the interval period. || Read more

3 Point Ab Chops on Swiss ball – Lie back with your mid to lower back on Swiss ball, then extend your arms out with hands held together behind head. Crunch up and bring arms overhead and down between knees, then go back to start position. This is one rep. On the next rep bring arms overhead and down to the right side and back, and for the third rep bring arms down to the left side, continue alternating crunching up and bringing arms over and down to these 3 points. || Read more