Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

One Leg Toe Touch – Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and both arms simultaneously, touch toe and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep. || Read more

Side Plank Dip and Leg Raise – Get into side plank position with foot of top leg just in front of foot of bottom leg, bend elbow of top arm and place hand behind head, drop hip down so that it touches the ground and bring back up so body is in a straight line again and then lift top leg up as much as possible while holding steady in side plank position, bring leg back down returning to start position. Each dip and leg raise is one rep. || Read more

5 Plank Jack Push ups – Get into push up position and do 5 plank jacks, jumping both legs out and then both legs in 5 times, and then do a push up. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as possible in time period. || Read more

Roll Back and Up to Push Up – Standing at one end of mat, roll back so knees are overhead and then forward again. Place hands on ground and jump (or step) your legs back to plank position and do a push up, then jump (or step) your legs in towards hands and come up to standing. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as possible in time period. || Read more
Crab Walk Toe Touch – Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Moving opposite legs and hands together, walk hands and feet together 3 steps and then lift raised hand and foot up overhead and touch fingers to toe. Return to crab position and walk back 3 steps and this time lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together. Continue walking in crab position forwards and backwards and alternating sides for each toe touch. Each toe touch is one rep. || Read more

Pull Up Burpee – Standing just in front of your pull up bar, bend and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and do a push up, jump legs back in and then grab handles of pull up bar with wide grasp and do a pull up. This is one rep. || Read more

Overhead Ball Sit Up with Medicine ball – Lying on mat with legs and knees bent, hold a medicine ball in hands overhead and back close to ground, sit up and lift ball reaching it up high towards ceiling and then bring it back down and return to starting position lying back with ball behind head near floor. This is one rep. || Read more