Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

Side Plank 3 Elbow to Knee Crunch Burpees – Squat and jump legs back, push up then pivot body into side plank position with top arm stretched out towards ceiling in straight line, then bend arm and crunch elbow down towards bottom knee as it bends and comes up to meet elbow. After crunch return leg back to position do 2 more elbow to knee crunches. Then lower arm and come back to plank. Then jump legs back in and then jump up. || Read more

Dumbbell Star Crunch, Dumbbell Toe Touch – Lie on mat with legs lifted and straight at a 90 degree angle from body, with arms holding a dumbbell at ground behind your head. Open legs wide into a V keeping them straight and bring dumbbell up, crunching torso and reach through legs with dumbbell. Bring dumbbell back to start position behind head and bring legs close together again. Then bring dumbbell forward again and reach up with it towards toes, crunching torso and return to start position. This is one rep. Continue doing these movements alternating between the star crunch and toe touch. || Read more

Rotating Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Swing – Start at standing position with legs shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in both hands in front of you. Squat down bringing dumbbell down to ground and when you come back up swing dumbbell up to overhead and then bring it back to start position. || Read more

Reverse Push Ups with Double Crunch – Sitting on ground just in front of dip station, reach up and grab handles, bend legs or stretch out legs in front of you. The further legs are out, the harder pulling yourself is so bend your legs to make it easier to pull yourself up and straighten legs out for more of a challenge. Then pull yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lower yourself back down. The do a double crunch by bringing in your legs and crunching torso, with your arms alongside your body parallel to ground, release crunch, straighten legs and bring feet back to ground. This is one rep. Continue doing reverse push ups followed by double crunches. || Read more

Swiss Ball Elevated Dip Station Push ups – Get into push up position with feet elevated on a Swiss ball and hands on the handles of dip station and do push ups from this position. || Read more

Swiss Ball Elevated Reverse Push ups – Sitting on ground just in front of dip station with feet, or shins, elevated on a Swiss ball, reach up and grab handles, keeping legs balanced on Swiss ball do reverse push ups, pulling yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lowering yourself back down. Continue pulling yourself up and lowering for as many reps as you can in time or for number of reps indicated. || Read more

Alternating Lateral One Leg Hops (10:10) – Jump on one foot from one side of a rope, stick or imaginary line on the ground to the other. Go back and forth over it 10 times with one foot, then switch feet and jump 10 times over line with the other foot. Continue alternating feet after each 10 jumps. Each 10 jumps is one rep.