Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

Leg Lift Toe Touch, Leg Drop Toe Touch with Ugi – lying flat on mat with legs straight and arms extended above head holding Ugi, lift legs together straight up at 90 degrees while simultaneously lifting up Ugi to touch toes, lower legs and Ugi down to starting position. Next sit up lifting Ugi overhead and reach forward to touch Ugi to your toes and then reverse movements coming back to starting position again. This is one rep. || Read more

Reptile Plank Hops – From plank position jump feet from center to the left, then do a reptile knee tuck with the left leg, bringing knee towards elbow and back. Then take 2 hops, back to center and then to the right, and do a reptile knee tuck with the right leg, continue alternating sides. Each reptile tuck is one rep. || Read more

Ugi Plank Arm Lifts – Start in plank position on your forearms with feet up on Ugi. Alternate lifting and reaching the hand of one arm out in front of you and then bringing it back and then reaching the other arm out towards the wall in front of you and bringing it back. Continue holding plank and alternating reaching out arms while balancing in plank position on Ugi. || Read more

Ugi Plank Leg Lifts – Start in plank position, balancing on your forearms with feet up on Ugi. Alternate lifting one leg up, then bringing it back and then lift the other leg up and bring it back. Continue holding plank and alternating lifting legs while balancing supporting foot on Ugi. || Read more

Ugi Bridge Crunch – Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi and arms straight on ground behind head. Lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground, as you lower hips crunch torso forward bringing arms up overhead and down to touch Ugi between legs and then bring arms back to ground behind you. This is one rep. || Read more

Ugi Overhead Swing to Jump Squat – Start standing with feet shoulder width apart and Ugi on ground just between to the front of feet. Reach down, grab Ugi and swing the ball up overhead and then bring it back to ground. Jump over Ugi so you are just in front of it and come down in a squat, so bum touches Ugi, then come up and jump back so you are just behind Ugi in your start position. This is one rep. Continue repeating these movements. || Read more

Ugi Russian Twist and Toe Touch – Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and then lie back with legs straight on ground and touch Ugi to the ground behind head, then sit up and bring Ugi overhead and forward to touch toes. This is one rep. For the next rep repeat these movements but start with Ugi at the opposite side for the Russian twist and alternate starting sides for each rep. || Read more