Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

Ugi One Leg Bridge – Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi. Then lift one leg up so that foot it pointed towards ceiling and leg is straight and then lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground and repeat lifting hips up to bridge and lowering with one foot up on Ugi and the other leg lifted up. || Read more

Ugi Diagonal Woodchops – Stand with legs shoulder width apart and hold Ugi up above one shoulder, swing Ugi down to opposite side of the body just below hip area, bring back up and repeat. || Read more

Push up with Side Arm Slide – Start in push up position and with hands on sliders, slide one hand out to the side and do a push up, then slide it back to start position. Next slide the opposite hand out to the other side and do a push up in this direction and then return to start position. Continue doing arm slides and push ups alternating sides for each rep. || Read more

Bridge Alternating Leg Slide – Get into bridge position with shoulders and arms on floor, pelvic area lifted, knees bent with feet on the floor each with a slider under it. Holding this position alternate sliding one leg out and back and then slide your other leg out and back. Continue alternating in this manner for indicated time or number of reps. || Read more

Sliding 2 Way Lunges – from standing position with one foot on slider, slide foot out to side with leg going into a side lunge position, slide foot back in and then slide back into a backwards lunge position and then back to start position. Continue on same leg, or switch slider to other foot in between reps to alternate feet. || Read more

Clean and Press Burpee with Sandbag – With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it’s up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground. This is one rep. || Read more

Toss and Catch Medicine ball – In seated position with knees slightly bent and feet up off floor, lean back at a 45 degree angle and throw up medicine ball into the air and catch it while holding your core tight. Keep on tossing up ball and catching it while keeping feet off floor and leaning back at 45 degrees. || Read more