Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

Diagonal Sandbag Clean and Press with 3 Lateral Hops – Standing straight with sandbag on floor at your side, beside your left foot, bend over and pick up by the 2 side by side handles going lengthwise, twist body so sandbag is in front of you and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and then turn to the right side as you straighten arms and press sandbag up towards the ceiling. Reverse these movements bringing sandbag back to its start position. Then hop with both feet together over sandbag to the other side, jump back to start and again over it so you end up on the other side of your sandbag. This is one rep. The sandbag is now beside your right foot, so for the next rep reverse movements and do a diagonal clean and press to the left side. Then hop over sandbag 3 times coming back to your start position. Continue doing these movements alternating sides for each rep and getting in as many reps as you can for time. || Read more

Sandbag Clean and Press – Standing straight with sandbag on floor just in front of you, bend over and pick up by the two side by side handles going lengthwise, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and press up to ceiling. Bring it down to ground returning it to start position. || Read more

Sandbag Leg Raise – Lay on the floor and lift sandbag up above you keeping arms straight at 90 degrees, and with legs straight flat on ground. Holding sandbag above throughout all movements and lift legs up together towards sandbag and then lower them back down to the ground. This is one rep. Continue lifting and lowering legs together while holding sandbag up. You will feel the contraction in the abs as you lift and lower legs so tighten abs during these movements.

One Leg Bridge – Lie on mat with knees bent, lift one leg straight up towards ceiling and using the other leg lift hips up to a bridge position and then come back down. Continue lifting the supporting leg on the ground up to bridge position while keeping the other leg and foot raised up towards ceiling. Switch legs and repeat doing the same number of reps on your other leg. For a little more intensity start with feet elevated on an elevated surface, so that your supporting leg is raised throughout movements. || Read more

Side Plank Leg Lift and Crossover – Get into side plank position, bend elbow of top arm and place hand behind head, lift top leg up as much as possible while holding side plank position with body, and bring leg back down and forward touching the ground in front of your supporting leg with foot and then lift your top leg back up high and bring back down to starting side plank position. || Read more

Ugi Bridge with Hand to Hand Dumbbell Pass – Get into bridge position with feet raised on Ugi. Hold this position raising hips as much as possible. Meanwhile, have arms extended out to each side with a dumbbell in one hand, bring both arms up to center, keeping them outstretched and transfer dumbbell to the opposite hand and lower both arms back to ground. Continue raising arms and switching dumbbell for each rep while holding hips up in bridge position. || Read more

Side Lunge on Ugi – Place Ugi a few feet away from you to the side and then place the foot closest to Ugi on it and do a side lunge, so that your supporting leg bends and the leg with foot on Ugi is kept straight. Do a side lunge in this position and then come up. Keep feet in the same position throughout all movements lunge in and out on the front leg. || Read more