Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

I am convinced that burpees are the best full body exercise there is to really tone and shape the body quickly. Studes have confirmed it, and thousands of people know, that burpees and HIIT workouts in general with their quick bursts of action boost the metabolism, slimming the body while at the same time building muscle. || Read more

Below there are 12 modified exercises. Each exercise has its own 1 to 2 minute video showing it first done with regular form, and then how to modify it. The exercises below are bodyweight exercise classics. They form the core of most HIIT workouts, or any bodyweight workout, and most exercise variations stem from these. I use this core group of exercises all the time in my workouts. By knowing how to modify these exercises you will be better able to make the workouts I do suit you best to gain strength and to get the most out of the workouts.

This workout is mainly upper body focused with lots of push ups and pull ups. It’s also a great workout to work on your coordination and balance as most of the exercises are done on one leg. This also works your core stabilizing muscles and makes it more fun, and more challenging. This workout is deceptive as it’s 5 reps of each exercise and the push ups are all done as a part of walk outs and burpees, but by the end of it you will have completed 100 push ups! || Read more

Sit up with Ball Pass – Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding medicine ball overhead, sit up and pass ball around one leg, lie back bringing ball back overhead and repeat circling ball around other leg, continue alternating sides. || Read more

One Jump Forward, Two Jumps Back – Standing with legs shoulder width apart squat down slightly and take a big jump forward with both legs at the same time, then take 2 jumps back again with both legs at the same time to end up in your starting position. This is one rep. || Read more

Barrier Jumps – (aka Side Pike Jumps) Get into Pike position, with hands and feet on the floor and hips up, back straight, and start with legs to one side, kick up legs and jump over center object (or imaginary center object) to other side and back. Each time feet hit the ground is 1 rep. || Read more

Crunches with Hand to Hand Dumbbell Passes – Laying on ground with knees bent and feet on the ground, have arms outstretched at sides and with a dumbbell in one hand, then crunch up torso while bringing both arms up, in a circular motion keeping arms straight, in front of you, pass the dumbbell to your other hand, always keeping both arms straight, and as you release the crunch bringing torso back to ground, also bring both arms back to ground, stretched out at sides with the opposite hand holding onto dumbbell. On the next rep during the crunch, in the same manner, transfer the dumbbell back to the hand it started in and continue with passing dumbbell from hand to hand for each rep. || Read more