Posts Tagged ‘drinks’

Ok, I am going to blast a post off with lots of cold weather pictures and then that’s it for me.. it’s all tropical rain forests and beaches in my mind for the next month! Maybe if I post enough cold weather pics I’ll come to grips with – the fact that I live in Canada – and that it is winter. sigh. I love our country but I seriously don’t think that many people really want to be here in the middle of the winter. I guess it’s because of family that we stay ..but really I don’t think humans were designed for these extreme cold temperatures. This is crazy. Well, grab your parka and bundle up.. we’re diving in. But right after this post, or maybe right after Christmas, that’s it – I’m hitting the hot tub, defrosting and hibernating to a cozy retreat in my mind where the sand is toasty and the sun is beaming down on me in a bikini. || Read more

Saffron is a spice that comes from the small purple saffron crocus. Each flower on the plant has 3 vivid crimson stigmas which are the part used as the spice. Saffron is used in various Indian, Persian and European cuisines, and sometimes Arab and Turkish cuisines as well, as a seasoning and coloring agent. || Read more

Young Thai Coconuts have an incredible soft, very subtle and light tasting meat inside of them. The coconut meat makes a great base for many raw foods dishes as there is very little taste and the meat adapts to and blends well with (or is hidden under) many different flavors. It can be used in a diverse array of dishes from various types of cuisines. You can cut the meat in strips to use alone as noodles or blend the meat with other ingredients or water to make a smooth creamy base for sauces and soups. I like to eat the meat as is straight from the coconut, just spoon out and eat. The water is pretty awesome too and is the highest natural source of electrolytes. Coconut meat is filled with nutrients and the good fats contained in it are great for weight loss! || Read more

This is my favorite smoothie! This was created for wild little chocolate-crazy monkeys. The ChocoMonkey is ultra smooth and creamy chocolate goodness at its best! And not only is it delicious, but it is a real superfood treat! Cacao is loaded with feel good and nutritional properties. It has one of the highest ratings of any food on the planet for antioxidants and is loaded with a variety of minerals. It is especially high magnesium, a vital mineral which most people are very deficient in. This smoothie is bursting with flavor and nutrition. || Read more

These 3 Post Workout Recovery Drinks are based on an unbeatable combination of 2 individual superfoods, both nutritionally abundant on their own but when they are put together they work magic. This wonderful combination is coconut water and blue green algae. Put together they are a synergistic blend, in which the effect of them together is higher than taking each individually. The science between the amazing effect of the two together lies partly in this: || Read more

If you have not yet tried making your own almond milk, I strongly encourage you to try it. You may never buy it from the store again. It is delicious, super easy to make and economical! || Read more

Drinking Green Smoothies is one of the best ways to get green leafy vegetables into your body! For optimum health, we want to get as many greens as possible into our bodies because greens are loaded with an abundance of important vital nutrients and filled with chlorophyll, which drives oxygen into our system and cleans our blood and therefore our tissues, organs and all of us as well. If you want to drive away disease, be flexible, limber and feel great – You want to eat your greens! || Read more