Posts Tagged ‘drinks’

I love beets. Mostly I love their magnificent, deep, vibrant, intense color. Filled with special abundant healing and health properties, beets are a great vegetable to add to your green juicing ingredients. I am posting yesterday’s Down to Earth Green Juice recipe below along with my juicing pics, and also great info to get you excited also about beets too! || Read more

The Green Juice Challenge starts today! I have just taken a photo of my juice, and will share the recipe of the juice I am making. Tomorrow I will start taking pictures of the juicing process, and will try to post almost every day my new juice creation. || Read more

The main goal of this 30 day juice challenge is to juice every day. To get into the habit of juicing more, bring out the juicer and re-establish its rightful place in the kitchen. A month of consuming intense, dense pure nutrients, to re-energize, re-vitalize and heal anything that needs it inside our bodies. Think of this as an intense tune up and oil change! Your motor will be purring smoothly and you will be stronger, faster, happier, more optimized and enthusiastic to live a better life. || Read more

This kombucha recipe is very easy to make and once you learn how to make it, it requires little care and is quite easy to keep it going. You only need a few ingredients and pieces of equipment to get it going. The most essential of these are a healthy scoby (see below) to get it started and a big glass jar to ferment your kombucha in. Kombucha has a huge list of health benefits and some cultures consider it a cure all for everything. || Read more

I made an incredibly delicious Shamrock Shake Recipe the extra healthy superfood way. They are so incredibly good that I want to share them with you and hope you have time to indulge for St Patrick’s Day too! But, of course, they are great for any time of the year! These shakes are not only awesomely delicious but they are good for you too! Read on to see my superfood alternatives! || Read more

My favorite vegan protein shakes are made using hemp protein powder and SunWarrior protein powder. I am going to give you 4 recipes showing the ways I most like to make them. They range from the more elaborate and decadently delicious Creamy Cacao Hemp Protein Shake, with lots of maca added in, to the very, very simple. Banana Berry is another favorite flavor and I have 2 versions included here, one made with hemp protein powder and one with SunWarrior, so we are covering all the bases. Whatever you are in the mood for, I’ve got you covered on the vegan protein shake frontier. Come check out how I most like to make them! || Read more

Today we are heading to a tea plantation, called Suvirun, which is located in the province of Chiang Rai in Thailand. Tea is harvested here every 6 weeks and from the leaves oolong tea is made. Oolong tea is made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis, like black, green and white teas. What differentiates it is the way that it is processed and of the 4 types, oolong is the most difficult one to process. || Read more