Posts Tagged ‘dip station’

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

This dip station workout is a 20 minute workout made up of intervals. It has lots of new dip station exercises alternated with a great abs exercise to really work the abs muscles.  A Swiss ball is used in some of the exercises, which adds to the variety. But if you don’t have a Swiss ball no worries, variations are given below. This is a great upper body workout that will leave you feeling it in your arms and abs the next day. The workout is fun and the time goes by fast. || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This workout has 5 parts, which makes it sound long but it isn’t at all. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th parts are all 8 reps of different (fun) types of burpees and the 2nd and 4th parts are both the same set of intervals and go through a sequence of 8 different (and also fun) exercises. It changes up quickly and keeps your mind entertained as the time goes by.  A few exercises in this workout are done using a dip station but I will list alternative exercises for if you don’t have one.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

First say Triple Trip 3 times really fast. ; ) It’s a workout that’s as fun as it’s name! This one is 14 minutes and 3 parts, each one has knee raise exercises done on the dip station. The first and third parts are the same and the goal is to do as many rounds of the exercise sequence as possible in 5 minutes. The time goes by really fast when you are racing against it. The second part in between these is a tabata interval round and for each work interval in it you do the same exercise. Your mission is to do the exercises quickly while keeping the best form you can while doing them.

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posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

Twin Peaks Full Body Workout

This workout is made up of 5 parts. It has 3 plateau parts, each with a 2 minute dip station sequence and 2 peak parts, where you climb a mountain of body weight exercises for time. The 2 time challenge rounds are a mix of real classic and fun body weight exercises. I found it just challenging enough to really push through it but thankful it was done by the end. It was a good challenge and I was ready to try to beat my time for the 2nd peak round. See how you do and how long it takes you to tackle the twin peaks!

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posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

This time challenge workout is a real pain in the butt – the next day! I did this yesterday and am careful sitting today. Lunges are awesome to build great legs and butts! I know and I can feel where: mid-upper butt, great for building that curvy behind. Lunges are one of the basics of bodyweight exercises, and they are for a reason – they work. So get well warmed up and get out your dip stations and spend a little quality lunge time tightening up and strengthening your legs, butt and core!  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

Get your sandbag and dip stations out and ready for this 3 part workout. In this one the 1st and 3rd parts are the same and are 8 minutes of intervals. the 2nd part is a time challenge which took me 5 minutes and 6 seconds to complete. This is a full body workout with lots of core work.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

This interval training workout is under 13 minutes and will give you a great workout all over: legs, arms abs and core! It has some great body weight exercises like dive bombers and pulsing jump lunges and for this workout we get to use our dip stations! If you don’t have one, modify with your favorite type of burpee for the 1st exercise and your favorite squat exercise for the 2nd. Always modify to make the workout work for you! This workout will quantum leap you into a wonderfully sexy and happy body that you can feel great about!  || Read more