Posts Tagged ‘Burpees’

This was the fastest moving 100 burpee workout yet! I found the time to go by quickly and was finished in no time. || Read more

This workout is comprised of just 2 exercises: burpees and skipping, and so is cardio intensive. Its a 2 part workout and a time challenge, but you can take as long of a break between the 2 parts as you like. || Read more

This workout has 10 rounds and each round has a different style of burpee, which are followed by squats and then knee hug crunches. || Read more

100 Burpees again! and this burpee workout is brutal! I started a challenge to do 600 burpees in 6 days and so I will be posting lots of high rep burpee workouts for the next few days. || Read more

This quick and effective all bodyweight workout takes 16 minutes. || Read more

Burpee with Tuck Jump – Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and then jump up with an explosive jump, as high as you can bringing knees up to your chest and grabbing knees in air. This is one rep.