Posts Tagged ‘books’

The 7 days of Eating Raw Food Plan s now available in book form. This plan has been the most visited page on my site since it came out. Not only does this plan gett hundreds of clicks each day but also I have had many emails from people susseccfully following it. Even some who were following it as a guide long term and so I decided that this raw food plan should be made into a book, making it more convenient and easier than ever to follow. || Read more

Every once in awhile life throws you a curve ball. I got one last night but I am an awesome curve ball catcher! I like to think of myself as adaptable, and that when one door closes another opens. The ending of one thing can lead to something better. The butterfly effect. || Read more

My new raw food recipe book is out! I am really excited to share The Joy of Living Foods in a paperback version with you. I have been asked to make it paper, and I did. This raw recipe book has all of my favorite recipes. All of the dishes are made with living foods, prepared with raw food techniques that will make you glow, feel stronger, clearer and empowered. The benefits of preparing foods this way is huge and now I can share with you how to make them delicious too! || Read more

My new raw foods recipe book is just out on Amazon and I am so excited to share it with you! This book has been a labor of love and is something I have been wanting to put out for years. It has over 100 of my favorite raw foods recipes. This includes the raw recipes that I use day to day as well as my favorites to take to gatherings and share with others. And now I get to share them with you, in an format that is very easy to read and navigate. This e-book is a kindle book and available on, or in Canada, at the links below. || Read more

Don Miguel Ruiz’s The 4 Agreements is one of my all-time favorite books. So much so that I keep buying copies of it, as I keep giving it to people who I think will benefit from it or who will love it as much as I do. It is the only book that I often have 2 copies of on my bookshelf. I think that it contains some very basic and important governing principles to use in life to attain a deeper level of inner happiness. || Read more