Posts Tagged ‘art’

Ruud van Empel creates digitally enhanced photographs with a dream-like quality. His idyllic scenes of children in lush tropical settings evoke a modern Eden, but a paradise shrouded with mystery. These complex works are bursting with life and color. Lush, surreal, immaculate, flawless beauty that brings up a discussion of perfection and innocence. Join me on a voyage that borders reality and imagination through the portal of Rud van Empel’s visions. || Read more

Dewan Irawan is a photographer who works and photographs life in Indonesia. He takes us on a magical journey into the countryside to capture real life scenarios of the local people. His photographs are not simply portraits but they tell us stories of the Indonesian people. These stories portray the beauty of nature and the fleeting quality of life. They show people living a fun and peaceful life, living close to the land and in harmony with nature. Let’s join him on his adventure to meet the people of Indonesia. || Read more

Ysabel LeMay explores the beauty, complexity and divinity found in nature in her artwork. This Canadian artist was a highly successful graphic artist, but left corporate advertising to devote herself to painting full time from 2002 to 2010, when she turned her attention to photography. Her works look like high realism paintings but they are a process that she calls photo fusion, a lengthy process in which she takes hundreds of photographs and assembles them one at a time into her composition. Each piece takes 4 to 8 weeks to complete. || Read more

This is a very big deal for me. Mom didn’t bring a sketchbook to Toronto so we picked one up at the AGO when we went to see the Picasso exhibition, || Read more